Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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Welcome to the Hotel California [userpic]


The Grand Hotel seems harmless enough and even beautiful on the outside. Of course, by the time you can see it, it's already too late.

The fae made a pact with a group of vampires that the bloodsuckers would not harm another fae, and in return, they would be given Sanctuary. It is a place that exists outside of time, and at its center is the Grand Hotel, home of those same vampires and the hapless humans they've trapped there. Once a human passes through the barrier to Sanctuary, they effectively cease to exist in the outside world. Instead, they live to serve as food, entertainment, and whatever other needs the vampires have for them.

The year outside of Sanctuary is now 2017, and the Grand Hotel is celebrating its hundredth year in operation. A fresh batch of unwitting humans has been recruited to join the few survivors from previous culls, drawn in by any number of advertisements, promotions, or even straight abductions. How long will these ones last?
