Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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Mods of St. Margaret's Academy [userpic]
St. Margaret's Academy — a supernatural high school rpg

St. Margaret's Academy
not your average boarding school
Rule #1 - Keep your fangs and claws to yourself: no snacking on any of the student body.
Rule #2 - No magic in the hallways.
Rule #3 - A full moon is no excuse for not having made your homework.

School year '16 - '17 is approaching. St. Margaret's has had a rough year - with students being turned, an invasion of otherwordly beasts and a disastrous wedding - but this year is shaping up to be a quieter one. Or will it? Come cause trouble! Classes start September 5th and we're always looking for new blood . . .
Open since 2013, St. Margaret's Academy is now looking for more great RPers and fresh faces to add to the fun. We're a fun and laid back group. Enrol your progeny today!