Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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[info]icontest_needs - A place for discussions of mods, pimping icontests as well as asking for entries and/or votes. There's also going to be a masterlist.

[info]dailyicons - A multifandom icontest.
Current Challenge (due Sunday): Charlie's Angels
Voting: Men In Black (Tie-Breaker)
Voting: Doctor Who

[info]merlin_icontest - An icontest for the BBC show Merlin
Voting: The Dragon's Call
Challenge: Arthur Pentragon

[info]fandom_caps - A place to share and request screencaps. Open to all fandoms!
Rules, FAQ,...

[info]icon_help is a place to share tips about making icons, post tutorials and questions. You're also welcome to share locations(!) of resources such as screencaps, brushes and textures you like to use.

[info]10prompts - Challenge community where you can pick a table (10 prompts) and write stories for. All fandoms as well as slash, het and gen are welcome. All questions can be asked in the rules post.

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