Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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This is a weekly prompt community for writing/artwork! There's a difference here though. Rather than just single word or small phrase prompts, this community also provides prompts in the form of photographs, songs, and quotes!

Having trouble getting your juices flowing? Having an issue thinking of something fun to draw/write? Come on over!

Come one, come all, join the fun!

This community is for the love of all Dir en grey yaoi pairings. Any era is welcome and any combination of the guys, naturally (meaning paired in any order)! Fiction, graphics, and art are all welcome and loved!

This is a community where any author of jrock based fanfiction can join and have their works analyzed by fellow authors and readers. The point is not to hurt anyone, but rather to provide that thing that is so cherished by every author: constructive criticism. Emphasis on constructive.

A Jrock fanfiction community made for the sole purpose of sharing NC-17 rated Jrock stories.

This community is for the love of the threesome of Kaoru, Kyo, and Die from Dir en grey. Any era is welcome and any combination of the three, naturally (meaning paired in any order)! Fiction, graphics, and art are all welcome and loved!

Thank you for your time and for reading this!