Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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peja [userpic]
3 new fanfic IJs

[info]makebelieve_ij Makebelieve on IJ (Original and fanfic - general, hetero and slash - Multi-fandom)
[info]timeschildren Children Of Time (Dr who,Torchwood, Sarah Jane Adventures...any Dr Who spin off - general, hetero and slash)
[info]torchwoodfic Torchwood General, hetero and slasj fic)

I do ask that you read the posting instructions on the IJ info page before posting your work. we have a header that I prefer you use

thanks. Hope to see you there


I dunno if you noticed this, but there's already a Torchwood fic comm. Dunno how long you've been around here, but IJ's pretty small and most people here prefer not to spread fandoms around multiple asylums if they can help it.

Oh isn't that a pity, then, guess I'll just have to play with the folks who have already joined...for what its worth, I've just been in IJ a couple days, neither here or there, I was told folks over here were friendly... and respectful.

I'm sure that list you mentioned is great fun...Does it offer challenges and prompts to get the folks writing as well. the lists I open do...always. I'll be adding another challenge that's been simmering a couple days today. A cross-over challenge for TW/DW. I like prompts, doncha know. Always looking for new ideas. Now that I think of it might even add a few character Improvs

..but speaking for myself, I like to have a personal comm to post my work, and having been in fandoms over ten years I've learned that each group takes on a personality of its own as the sibs enter into whats happening...but thank you for mentioning that.

Off to ponder that Torchwood series arc I promised to write Arawa. and maybe some of the challenges and prompts I have posted/will be posting on the lists I opened...maybe do another chapter for "Grease"

Again thank you so much for bringing to my attention the one fandom, one comm preference here. But like I say, I prefer to post my stories on my own playgrounds or with folks who know my style of writing....sorry bout that.

BTW, Are you a site mod?

as I said I appreciate your comments. I do, really. And if no one wants to join a second community, that's all kewl as well.

to be perfectly honest, though, its not likely I would post the other com. You see, unless its sweet and smarmy, I tend not to post my work on coms where I don't have a history with the owner. The reason for that is 'cuz I have a tendancy to write dark fic. When I do push the envelope, I have to consider if it is appropriate to send to the lists I'm posting to. When I post on my personal comms I don't have to worry.

..For example, I'm considering doing a story that revolves around a sadomasochistic, probably non-con, relationship. Jack being molested and killed over and over might not be overly appreciated on the other list, folks who are familiar with my dark side, however, won't flinch

I asked if you were a mod so I would have a contact if I had a content or list operation question. For example it took me several days to realize I couldn't post this comm cuz I was only watching and had to join to be able to post...okay not so bright, but I finally caught on. If I'd known how to email the mods privately I could have asked and posted days eariler.

I honestly don't think anyone would mind you posting/crossposting your fic over there no matter how dark it is - as long as you've got all the appropriate warnings on it no one will/should complain.

thank you,

and sorry if I sounds waspish. Not my intention at all

It wasn't my intention to be disrespectful, I was merely mentioning something that many people in fandom over here have expressed concern about - that we'd get a load of new people coming over from LJ that would start new asylums in fandoms that already have them, thus spreading the fandom population over 2-3+ asylums. When the fandom community is quite small to begin with that's not an ideal situation. If we had a larger fandom community over here, and the asylums were more differentiated from each other, then it'd be different. As it is, the existing Torchwood asylum has maybe 100 watchers, and your comm really isn't that different from it - even the names are similar. I'm not saying that you can't have your own asylum, just that if you're going to do it then you might want to make it obviously different from the one that's already here, or you probably won't have much success with it.

I'm not a site mod, but I don't think I have to be to leave a comment.