Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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Fanfiction Asylums.

Over at [info]multi_fiction we are running a new weekly fandom promotion challenge. If you have a fandom you want promoted, come on over and reply to our suggestions post. This week, we are featuring "Alles Was Zählt" a German soap opera. Never heard of it, come on over and find out why people are excited about it. Every person who responds to a daily prompt will get a lovely "Alles Was Zählt" icon featuring the chosen pairing of Deniz/Roman.

[info]multi_fiction offers not only a weekly promotion, but a general place to post any and all your fanfiction. We accept Het, Gen, Slash, and RPS. Come on over, give us your fic, give us your recs, heck, give us a challenge to write about. For you first time authors, we're very BY-curious.


[info]heroes_fiction The place to post all your Heroes fiction.

Like how the show is going? Neither do we! Come on over and drown your sorrows with fic as we wait for Bryan Singer to fix this mess.


Interested in writing a big bang fic, but just don't have the time/stamina/ability? Well over at [info]t_31_bang, we have just the solution. Once, every 31 days, you write 5000 words on a prompt of your choosing. There are 200 prompts right now, but until Midnight, this Wednesday, you can give us more. You don't have to sign-up to give us a prompt, but we are very appreciative if you do.

What do you say? Come up and see us some time.

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