Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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Fiction Asylums Gaylor!

Feeling frisky? Need an outlet for that creative juice you've been building up inside?

At [info]t_31_bang We've got the mini-Big Bang for you to burn through it.

We're a hot asylum with absolutely no standards, we'll do any fandom, so long as you give us a prompt.

Every 31 days, you'll be expected to perform. Give us a prompt, luv. Then take one for yourself. After that, you'll have 20 days to write 5000 words worth of fanfic. The day after that, you post it.

Sign-ups for Round 5 start in three days, until then, will you give us a prompt or two?

Over fifty thousand words of satisfaction have already been posted.


Always wanted to bomb New York City? Feel like putting your fist through the back of someone's head? Have a craving for "Brrraaaiiinnnns?"

Then [info]heroes_fiction is where your fic belongs!

Give us your tired, your poor, your fabulously long genre fics. NBC's Heroes pales in comparison to Fanfic Heroes.

Remember, Kaito Nakamura is your destiny.



A friendly old place where you can post just about any fanfic. Remember, even the cool ones have rules. Stop on by, post a story, offer a rec, make a pass at a challenge.

We won't slap your face for making lewd fic. Just be sure to pack a disclaimer.

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