Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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Tainted Springs now Casting

Currently seeking -

Jasper Hale from Twilight
Jack Hodgens from Bones
Anyone from Wildfire
Veronica Mars
Arthur Weasley and any other Harry Potter Characters, especially future generation Weasleys and Potters
Charlie Pace from Lost

Official Game Communities

There is always one town that just isn't quite right. Franklin Springs is one of those towns and Emmanuel College isn't what it seems. On the surface the college looks like any good Christian college does, and the town a simple quiet town where simplicity reigns, but under the surface lies something so dark.

Students have gone missing, and others have been found dead no one really knows why and many don't question it. The true oddity isn't that students seem to disappear though, it is who some of the students are, students whose worlds are simple and normal and others where they are fantastical universes. How did these students end up together? How were they brought to this place?

When Angel and company brought down Wolfram and Hart and Buffy and company brought down the first there were still some fanatics that survived and in an attempt to open the void between and bring back those that were lost in those battles they brought characters from different fandoms instead, causing a crack in reality.

When it became obvious that there was a problem in this town, the Knights of the Holy Order, and the new Watcher's Council banded together sending their top men from each, Gabriel Van Helsing and Rupert Giles to find out what was causing the crack in reality.

The two and their own personal teams were to assimilate themselves into the town's life and from there find a solution, without blowing their own covers. All of this has to be done while also finding their enemies as well as those who also are on their side.

Feeling : busy busy