Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

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May 2024
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valady [userpic]

Welcome to [info]grangerenchant. We are the IJ mirror of the LJ comm of the same name. [info]valady and [info]ellaselenelupin are your maintainers and we will report daily any new or update stories on the GrangerEnchanted archives which include:

Granger Enchanted Welcomes you to the first Hermione Centric Fan Fiction Archive on the net. We only accept stories where Hermione is the main character!! We allow all ratings, all genres and all characters!!!

Pure Arrogance
Pure Arrogance, a Malfoy/Black Hermione Centric Fan Fiction site. We welcome all genres and pairings and have several 'others' categories for the non Hermione inclined.

We Solemnly Swear…
We Solemnly Swear...that we are up to no good is a Marauders Centric Archive. Focusing on the MWPP era featuring, Remus Lupin(Moony), Peter Pettigrew(Wormtail), Sirius Black(Padfoot) and James Potter (Prongs) also with Severus Snape and Lily Evans. This site caters to those that are over 17 years of age.

Granger Enchanted Welcomes you to Elysium, the only moderated Slash Archive on the net. We only accept stories of the SLASH variety meaning Male/Male. We allow all ratings, all genres and all characters!!!