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hexennacht mods. [userpic]

If everyone knew 1984 was when everything was going to happen, why was no one prepared?
Hexennacht is an alternate universe MWPP game set in 1985; a world where Gellert Grindelwald is now the Minister of Magic for all of Europe, and Muggleborn wizards live in fear of the Black Caps, Grindelwald's personal army, charged with keeping the Muggles and wizards alike in line. Hexennacht begins with the latest decree restricting magic allowed by Muggleborn wizards to the simplest forms of magic, while the purebloods are allowed to get away with murder. With the Death Eaters on the run, Voldemort in Azkaban with no hope of getting out, and the Order in hiding, along with the remains of their single ally, a former terrorist organization, is there any hope of restoring Europe to a land of tolerance?

Full information can be found in the moderator's info.

Game can be found here.

Wanted Characters: Death Eaters (Rosier, Karkaroff, Crabbe, Nott, Selwyn, et al.) Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, The Weasleys, Prewetts, Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Malfalda Hopkirk, Sturgis Podmore, Severus Snape, Heathcote Barbary, Merton Graves, Orsino Thruston, Donaghan Tremlett, Gideon Crumb, and others.


Whoa. I just woke up and I find this all in my inbox. I'm not going to respond to each comment individually, and I don't feel like constantly arguing and bashing is going to get anywhere. It will only lead to more anger on either side, building up spite, and none of us will get where we want to go.

So, let's try to get a little constructive. If we, the mods, were to rename the game, what might be some suggestions?

I can't speak for name suggestions, as I'm not involved in the game at all, but I do want to thank you for being rational and trying to come up with a solution. It is greatly appreciated.

I hope more people do notice this, than continue to argue. I would really like to find a solution. Arguments make me all shaky. =\

Something out of JK Rowling's world-building, so that you don't co-opt real world Holocaust experiences while you imagine the parallels around it in the world she suggests.

If you or anyone else has any suggestions, please let us know.

Something related to Grindelwald, perhaps? Maybe [info]greater_good?

We'll definitely take it into consideration! Thank you for helping be constructive.

Can't suggest anything as I'm not familiar with the fandom, I'd just like to thank you for asking.

I realize that being stubborn gets us nowhere, and arguing will only cause more negative backlash.

Something related to Grindelwald would be interesting. So would terms from dystopian novels, like Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World.

If you'd prefer to stick with NSDAP terms, though, wikipedia has a through glossary.

I like the idea of using something from Nineteen Eighty-Four, especially since the plot began in 1984. I'll start looking through things there, thanks!

I strongly suggest that you stay away from Nazi Germany and the Holocaust when you rename. It didn't seem to work out well the first time.

Using RL Nazi terms is still offensive. I would strongly advise against it.

I send you imaginary internet flowers for being willing to listen. Thank you!

As for ideas.. well. It's another one that's been used, but it would at least be less controversial: how about Helter Skelter?

(A note before anyone sees this and jumps on my ass: YES, CHARLES MANSON WAS/IS TOTALLY BATSHIT, yes it is terrible that he and his crazy followers killed a bunch of people, if Roman Polanski wants to call me up all HOW DARE YOU he is welcome to do so. But Manson took it from the Beatles so it's not exactly like he has the market cornered on the name, either. and it has a somewhat similar but vastly less offensive link to real-world tragedy, if the mods wanted to keep that sort of vibe. also it is fun to say.)

...Okay now you can jump on my ass if you want.

I think anything that didn't appropriate the official names of specific tragedies would be a good start. I like the 'Greater Good' suggestion, but I don't know your backstory and specific events enough to say if it would work. I'm sure you can come up with something that actually belongs to your game and to your world, instead of sharing the name of something terrible that really happened.

I'm sorry you were inundated. I'm thinking most people thought that 'maybemaybe', 'marieantoinette', and 'navery' were speaking for the game a a whole. I certainly had that impression for the most part.

Since the Death Eaters were originally the Knights of Walpurgis - Walpurgis Rising, or Knights Rising? (Grindelwald Rising?)

Grindelwald met Dumbledore in 1899 - use that year, use that as the number of dead . . .

Grindelwald's Children (playing on the idea of 'thatcher's children' which is what they call Britons who, like me, grew up during her years as PM, 1979 to 1991).

A New Mark.

Darkest Mark.

Gindelwald's Mark.

JKR once said her original name for the DE was Knights of Walpurgis so maybe that?

Or a play on that "nights of Walpurgis"? Though I'm not sure how to shorten that.

Here's the thing, the entire premise is damn sketchy, and I can't say I like it. And don't tell me "then don't play it".

If you were going to have a role playing game set in the United States set at the time of slavery about slavery, except you said the slaves were from another planet, not Africa, and some people played plantation owners abusing slaves? That would still be sketchy.

If you were going to have a role playing game set in the United States at the time of The Trail of Tears, only Native Americans were "insert random scifi thing here", it would still be sketchy.

But this is even worse, because you're dealing with historical events that took place *in living memory*. Take 9-11 and multiply it 200,000, and you'll start to get an idea of how touchy this subject is. People are not exaggerating, nor jumping on a bandwagon here. World Wars and genocide are serious business.

IF you decide to go ahead with the community, and at this point, I'd expect a lot of bad press if you do so because of how you've handled things so far, yeah, name it after something in the Harry Potter universe. Or use your imagination and make something up?

What direction are you looking in? There's political, which others seem to have covered, but there's also occult - I'm a Western Tradition occultist with a background in Latin, so let me know if I can chime in anything useful.

Classy FAQ

I note that all the responses posted to the FAQ page today have been *mysteriously deleted*.


Thank you for this. Perhaps something about rebuilding rather than destruction would be less of a spark to controversy. However, if you wish to keep the "mood" or create one, there are ways of using terminology to get that across without being so blatant or using something without such negative symbolism.