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hexennacht mods. [userpic]

If everyone knew 1984 was when everything was going to happen, why was no one prepared?
Hexennacht is an alternate universe MWPP game set in 1985; a world where Gellert Grindelwald is now the Minister of Magic for all of Europe, and Muggleborn wizards live in fear of the Black Caps, Grindelwald's personal army, charged with keeping the Muggles and wizards alike in line. Hexennacht begins with the latest decree restricting magic allowed by Muggleborn wizards to the simplest forms of magic, while the purebloods are allowed to get away with murder. With the Death Eaters on the run, Voldemort in Azkaban with no hope of getting out, and the Order in hiding, along with the remains of their single ally, a former terrorist organization, is there any hope of restoring Europe to a land of tolerance?

Full information can be found in the moderator's info.

Game can be found here.

Wanted Characters: Death Eaters (Rosier, Karkaroff, Crabbe, Nott, Selwyn, et al.) Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, The Weasleys, Prewetts, Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Malfalda Hopkirk, Sturgis Podmore, Severus Snape, Heathcote Barbary, Merton Graves, Orsino Thruston, Donaghan Tremlett, Gideon Crumb, and others.


I'm Irish, I was in that game, my last name is Duffy and my first is a river in Ireland, do you really want to go down that road?

What? And? If you didn't feel offended, nobody else have to?

For all we know you can be a sociopath, or a really immature teenager. Or something.

I'm so done here.


I am? Do explain to me how it's ridiculous for me to be offended and hurt by the appropriation and trivialisation of a period of my national and familial history which is not yet even fully over. Please. I'm all ears.

It's a GAME. Like any other GAME, it is not to be taken into real life. When you roleplay something bad, do you often have it roll over into your real life? I'd wager not. It's controversial to touch down on real subjects, but it happens. TV, books, IT HAPPENS and while you may not like it, it doesn't mean the people who do it are bad people or that they should restrict creative freedom to suit every single person's needs because what YOU'RE talking about it is censorship and the thought of living in a country that oppressive and ridiculous is sickening.

No, what you're saying is not logical. You're taking something which happened in real life and using it for entertainment purposes. You're taking a game and giving it real life resonance, and if you do that, you have to expect it to have particular consequences for you, and particular impact on people who have, for instance, personal connections to the Shoah or the Troubles. No one here is advocating censorship, and it is disingenuous of you to say so, or to say that I have ever wanted censorship.

I cannot imagine that any commenter here would object to a thoughtful, sensitive, intelligent engagement with the issues raised by the Shoah or the Troubles. Many delicate, painful, brutal, lovely meditations on those horrors have been created in the past, and no doubt will be created in the future; they are an important part of the process of catharsis and healing which needs to occur. But what you are engaging in here is none of those things. It is selfish and self-willed.

I am not asking you to censor yourself. I am asking you to be careful with people's hearts.

Okay so everything that does touch down on real events for entertainment should be taken away? Let me offer you a point of my own. I saw Cloverfield, I am from New York - I was a senior at the time the towers collapsed and to this day and for the rest of my life, I will never forget how it happened and what it felt like to have no cell phones work to call people who I knew in the city and people who I knew that were by those buildings. Cloverfield, in example, mimicked the way they fall with that cloud of dust in the early parts of the film and while I felt a bit disturbed watching it, I did not turn off the movie because of it. Things mirror real life often. It happens. It's called realism and it helps people connect to things. In Television and in novels and any other creative works. This has been stated, and they're not, for the millionth time mimicking or taking away from what happened.

The name, yes, I understand. I do. I understand your pain growing up in that environment, I do have family there, but at the same time, I am a very liberal person who feels that it is not wrong to adapt some things into fiction JKR, as a writer did it herself and they simply picked up where she left off. Every HP game, on some level, has to because of the lines that are set for us. We mean no one any sort of harm, I can speak for myself in that sense. I do not mean to hurt anyone and do generally avoid circumstances where I think someone may be hurt, but when it comes to things like this, there is no controlling it. They could change the name, I'm sure, but it's not as if they can change the genre and while everyone is at it, they may as well begin a letter to JKR themselves, do you see where I'm coming from here?

No, that is quite obviously not what I'm saying. No one is saying that it is wrong to draw on real events. What I think people are saying is that while there may be no inherent obligation or responsibility on the behalf of an artist or a writer or a film-maker to make an ethical piece of art, many people would feel that they have an obligation to act as an ethical and empathetic human being, and that that feeling of obligation shapes their work and how they present it.

People are objecting to something else. Imagine this: that you came out of seeing Cloverfield, and said to someone "You know, I enjoyed the movie, but I felt disturbed by the elements reminiscent of 9/11? What I saw that day is still very fresh in my mind." And that person brushed off your concerns.

Now imagine this: that you saw a movie which didn't just mimic it, but directly mentioned 9/11, and used imagery designed to recall the Twin Towers. You have a chance to speak with the maker of the movie, and when you mention your emotional reaction to it, they don't just shrug it off, they tell you you're being irrational.

I do not mean to hurt anyone and do generally avoid circumstances where I think someone may be hurt, but when it comes to things like this, there is no controlling it. They could change the name, I'm sure, but it's not as if they can change the genre

But don't you see this is why you're frustrating and upsetting people? You have hurt people, the apologies being proffered read more as fauxpologies, and you're collectively making no gestures of good faith. And I really, really don't see how there's anything inherent to the genre which requires direct and conscious appropriation of Kristallnacht. There are many, many ways in which you could play out this game without mentioning that horror at all.

Honestly, I know enough about people to know that no matter what a single opinion is, someone, somewhere thinks differently. I don't know that I could pull one event and have it reflect that much upon me. There are bad things and I'm the kind of person who will watch something upsetting and be empathetic enough to cry about it, and I've seen countless of this time period and I've seen things glorify what happened sickeningly. I'm 24 - I've seen a lot. I knew people who thought Hitler had the right idea, I knew people who denied the Holocaust and I knew people who were terribly hurt by it and some it didn't bother. To me, it's tragic, one of the largest tragedies that will ever occur for no good reason besides a person's hatred for nothing. There was a film I believe it was called 9/11 and if I watch it and it hurts me, I will get back to you, but I've honestly not seen it yet so I cannot compare a severe personal experience to anyone this effects.

I, however, do know that the mods of this game are and have been on MSN discussing a name to change to, so yes, I myself, and them feel bad for how things went today. Hopefully it offers a consolation because there was a post up to comment if it bothered people since March, I don't know that it will, but it is the best that can be offered.

Please stop using my maiden name, you're making us look bad.

Wow, that's kind of ridiculous seeing as you don't even know me? Please grow up, really, I feel for your husband or wife to be lopped with someone so immature as to bash someone they do not know on the internet. Grow up, for the sake of your maiden name.

Oh, the IRONY.

You're the one who's so emphatic about your OMG RIGHTS for a GAME that you're willing to make yourself seem like an anti-semitic jackass, which is now extended to apparently ANY tense, sad, horrible racial/ethnic situation.

Who's the immature one?

Then again, at least you're consistently a jackass.

Why should I defend myself? I don't hate anyone or any specific group of people, rather. I am an intelligent enough human being to hate someone for who they truly are. I don't care what you think of me, but I'm going to defend something I believe in. And you can sit and say I'm racist, but that doesn't make me it. So yeah, I'm the jackass, 'cause I attacked you and all? Ok!

You're the jackass, because you are participating in something that demeans and trivializes the pain, suffering and death experienced by millions of people.

Understand that?

Mkay and Law and Order, and various movies do that everyday. Understand THAT? No, I don't assume you do. Write a letter of complaint to NBC and Jack Ketchum while you're at it for trivializing the pain of a fifteen year old girl who was beaten for three months for no good reason until she died. You don't like it, I get it, the mods get it, but it's not changing, why? Because it happens everyday. As far as the name goes, I don't know, not mod, but as far as the game BARELY reflecting life as JKR did herself? Yeah, hold your hand on your ass for that to change, mate.

CONTEXT. They don't TRIVIALIZE it, they DEPICT it.

You're playing a GAME.

Oh, why am I bothering. You have the intellectual sensitivity of an earthworm. That is the point I am proving over and over, that's all. Bitch all you want, but it's not the only game that does it and my surname has hardly a thing to do with it.

bzzzh. Wrong. There are differences between realism and exploitation.

What you're doing is exploitation.

No it is not, it's the name, that is all and in all likelihood, one that may change. Get outside and breathe, calm down a little because this is not mimicking it.