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hexennacht mods. [userpic]

If everyone knew 1984 was when everything was going to happen, why was no one prepared?
Hexennacht is an alternate universe MWPP game set in 1985; a world where Gellert Grindelwald is now the Minister of Magic for all of Europe, and Muggleborn wizards live in fear of the Black Caps, Grindelwald's personal army, charged with keeping the Muggles and wizards alike in line. Hexennacht begins with the latest decree restricting magic allowed by Muggleborn wizards to the simplest forms of magic, while the purebloods are allowed to get away with murder. With the Death Eaters on the run, Voldemort in Azkaban with no hope of getting out, and the Order in hiding, along with the remains of their single ally, a former terrorist organization, is there any hope of restoring Europe to a land of tolerance?

Full information can be found in the moderator's info.

Game can be found here.

Wanted Characters: Death Eaters (Rosier, Karkaroff, Crabbe, Nott, Selwyn, et al.) Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, The Weasleys, Prewetts, Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Malfalda Hopkirk, Sturgis Podmore, Severus Snape, Heathcote Barbary, Merton Graves, Orsino Thruston, Donaghan Tremlett, Gideon Crumb, and others.


And it's our personal belief that you are allowed to believe that. Once again, we are sorry about our name, but we are not changing it.

Stop saying you're sorry. You AREN'T. In fact, it would be better if you hadn't said anything of the sort in the first place. You're causing people pain and persisting in doing so after they've said it. You're not sorry. Please stop saying it. No apology has any value if it is not followed by a change. The pitiful rambling apology in your FAQ is far more offensive than a simple, "We've jointly selected this name, we feel it is appropriate for the game, we are not changing it even if it it offends you."

Your persistent apologies are distasteful and are absolutely not accepted by anyone I have encountered to date. Whether you change the name of the game or not will not alter the fact that it was wrong to use the name in the first place, that your apologies are disingenuous, and that your attitudes are narcissistic and lacking in compassion. Your apologies only come across as insulting attempts to silence opposition and are an insufficient veil over the fact that you know what you are doing is wrong and are persisting in doing it out of spite and arrogance.

Then everything that JK Rowling did was wrong as well. If she had stopped the book before Lord Voldemort was defeated and let him rule as he was, the same objections would occur. It is a game that is dark but in order for the plot to change, certain points need to be played out, which has always been the intention. It was never meant to remain as a game that would be forever in the depths of human despair. Anyone who writes about war and the destruction of people is wrong, by the logic expressed.

No, not at all. People who disrespect the pain of others for no purpose but their own pleasure and who continue to make it worse -- as you have -- are in the wrong. Oh, and people who continue to insult the integrity of others with persistent apologies meant to silence are even more wrong. Rowling never called out the names of the Holocaust and its perpetrators and its tragedies. She used the parallels delicately and with care, drawing attention to not just past prejudice and disaster but to modern catastrophes. At no point did she cross the line and appropriate an actual event in human history for her own ends.

If you REALLY look at it, pull off the hatred glasses and really look at it, the only thing we're guilty of is using the same name. We don't have hitler running around. We haven't used the name of any victims or locations. Everything has been paralleled as well. It is only a name. We are not attacking the jews in the game. We are not making fun of the holocaust, the words "Kristallnacht" mean "Crystal Night" in German, and is generally referred to the two nights of that particular movement, which is similar in sense and style to what is going on in our game.

A lot of this backlash would make a lot more sense if we had taken the event and used it, the people and the location, the exact time and dates. But we haven't. They're just words in German that have significant meaning.

I don't have any 'hatred glasses' on. The reasons you think you're justified in using this name are exactly why this is so offensive and ridiculous. You are appropriating this event for fun, when you could have made up any number of other names for your game. Your game doesn't need this name except that it was fun and cool to use it.

If this were a recreationist RPG that was revisiting the era, it might be questionable, but nothing to this degree. And, I think you would find that most people who have genuine interest in that time period wouldn't dare use the name because they are fully aware of the impact it has on people in the here and now. The only people other than YOU (in the general sense of everyone in the game) who would use it with such disrespect are white supremacists or Nazi sympathizers.

You are appropriating (that means taking over, without permission or justification) the name of an event that was terrible and horrible and you (every one of you in the game) are doing it FOR FUN. And, you all (because even the silent ones among you are complicit in this action) are insulting the people that you are hurting, on top of causing them pain. That is wrong.