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hexennacht mods. [userpic]

If everyone knew 1984 was when everything was going to happen, why was no one prepared?
Hexennacht is an alternate universe MWPP game set in 1985; a world where Gellert Grindelwald is now the Minister of Magic for all of Europe, and Muggleborn wizards live in fear of the Black Caps, Grindelwald's personal army, charged with keeping the Muggles and wizards alike in line. Hexennacht begins with the latest decree restricting magic allowed by Muggleborn wizards to the simplest forms of magic, while the purebloods are allowed to get away with murder. With the Death Eaters on the run, Voldemort in Azkaban with no hope of getting out, and the Order in hiding, along with the remains of their single ally, a former terrorist organization, is there any hope of restoring Europe to a land of tolerance?

Full information can be found in the moderator's info.

Game can be found here.

Wanted Characters: Death Eaters (Rosier, Karkaroff, Crabbe, Nott, Selwyn, et al.) Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, The Weasleys, Prewetts, Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Malfalda Hopkirk, Sturgis Podmore, Severus Snape, Heathcote Barbary, Merton Graves, Orsino Thruston, Donaghan Tremlett, Gideon Crumb, and others.


I'm sorry you feel like we aren't nice people. Because we honestly are. New Coke came out about a week ago in 1985, are we not supposed to say something about it in a game that takes place in 1985? We don't expect people to kiss our arses, nor do we expect the whole world to side with us. But we are, as I've said, allowed to defend our name and our idea.

No, honestly, you're not. When people - many people - have come forward and said the name of your game shock, sickens, and hurts them on a *personal* level, because of the real-world experiences they've been forced into, the right response from a nice person is, "oh my god, I had no idea. I'm so sorry you were hurt and we'll change it to make sure it doesn't happen again!" Not, "well, golly, we're so sorry, but it's silly of you to feel this way and really, we're totally good people! Really we are! Really!"

Does it really matter to your game *that* much? Honestly? Because I think it doesn't, and that just makes the way you're digging your heels in over something so racist and offensive even worse.

You have every right to defend your name. I have every right to post about this far and wide (which I have done and will continue to do - which most of us here have done). You opened this can of worms and you've chosen to react this way.

As for me, I'm done interacting with you, because I like to keep my interactions with racists on the lower end of the scale. But I'm not done posting and I'm not done linking. I don't plan on being done for a very long time.

That is your opinion and your choice. I don't see how I've reacted is in anyway 'horrible'. I'm stating the reasons for it, and people have chosen to take it this way. Feel free to post everywhere about it, I can't very well stop you. Nor am I going to be able to change your mind about anything when you are set in an idea. So, enjoy your posting.

It's horrible because you are being completely dismissive of the objections of people whose family histories have born the brunt of this event you have named your rpg after. This has been an opportunity for you to shine, to stand forth and say, "I'm not going to hang onto a name for my rpg if that name brings up a history of antisemitism and sadness for others--I will change it now, and I'm sorry to have made light of something that has serious connotations for others who may be or know actual Holocaust survivors and have lost whole branches of their families."

You flubbed it. You obviously have no respect for this history and that's why it's offensive that you're playing with it. But in your reaction to the objections, you and your fellow game-mates are showing yourselves to be antisemitic indeed.