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hexennacht mods. [userpic]

If everyone knew 1984 was when everything was going to happen, why was no one prepared?
Hexennacht is an alternate universe MWPP game set in 1985; a world where Gellert Grindelwald is now the Minister of Magic for all of Europe, and Muggleborn wizards live in fear of the Black Caps, Grindelwald's personal army, charged with keeping the Muggles and wizards alike in line. Hexennacht begins with the latest decree restricting magic allowed by Muggleborn wizards to the simplest forms of magic, while the purebloods are allowed to get away with murder. With the Death Eaters on the run, Voldemort in Azkaban with no hope of getting out, and the Order in hiding, along with the remains of their single ally, a former terrorist organization, is there any hope of restoring Europe to a land of tolerance?

Full information can be found in the moderator's info.

Game can be found here.

Wanted Characters: Death Eaters (Rosier, Karkaroff, Crabbe, Nott, Selwyn, et al.) Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, The Weasleys, Prewetts, Bones, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Malfalda Hopkirk, Sturgis Podmore, Severus Snape, Heathcote Barbary, Merton Graves, Orsino Thruston, Donaghan Tremlett, Gideon Crumb, and others.


I understand that, I do, I do the same, but generally, when a post has THIS many comments from this many people the sheep side does seem to take a part of it.

Or you know, POSSIBLY, this many people are actually seriously offended.

No really, it's possible. I don't read asylum promo. I didn't KNOW about this game. Then I caught a paragraph of the FAQ and BEFORE I HAD READ ANY COMMENTARY ON IT, I was deeply and horrifically offended.

If that makes me a sheep, the baah fucking baah.

Then why has there not been a single comment on any other promotion, until this one? That's the point we're making. We never said everyone had to have it on their friends list, but I bet most people wouldn't have clicked to reply if there hadn't already been a number of comments already.

Because this is the link that got passed around, being the MOST RECENT.

I think people spoke up for a number of reasons. You're right though, it's hard to be the first to speak up and say "Uh guys, this isn't cool." so I'm NOT terribly shocked it took until someone finally had the courage to ofer a rename token and your spectacular replies to that before other people spoke up.

It's the first comment that's hard. That doesn't mean that no one objected. We forget that we can speak up, that it's possible to do so. That it's NOT WRONG to voice objection. I hold my tongue all the damn time and it's wrong.

People watch the crappiest things happen RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM and it never occurs to them that speaking up is an option.

I respect the first person who replied, the ones who had a point to prove, even if I don't like the way that they expressed it, I do deep down, respect for defending their point, but I won't heed to the violent attack. I'm much more responsive to rationality. And those people, who have tried to act rational, I'm sorry that the meaning behind all of it is lost on me now because of the others, who decided to jump in with fire. It the more recent ones who have commented with just junk for the sake of jumping in, that I find pathetic and sheep.

No, honey, no. If people were offended they would've said something. I know when something offends me, I'm like HEY WTF right away, so while you may not have seen it until now, there are a load of people who said they had seen it many times before. So yes, sheep.

Unfortunately, there's a disconect in our society between finding something unacceptable and actually voicing that opinion. There are news stories all over the place (and more than one LJ/IJer right now) talking about how they sat back and watched horrified as something took place, but did not speak up.

Speaking up is HARD. Especially when we've been socialized to see some things as okay (if they are patently not okay ever)and how rocking the boat is bad. I'm glad you can say "WTF??" right away. Not everyone HAS that instinct even though they should.

I understand that point, I do, people sometimes have a problem with it it's more of an afterthought, I suppose.

Sheep? Who cares? This game is named Kristallnacht, for God's sake! In March, now... what matters is that someone said something.

What are you trying to do? It isn't working. At all.

What are YOU trying to do? You've solely now complained about everything, it's been noted, I'm sure the mods are considering it. Attacking me is getting you nowhere.

It's called deflection. They're scrambling for reasons to be insulted and find fault with us for being offended by them in order to dismiss any point.

As if they would have responded with welcome if someone brought this up sooner.

As if one person speaking alone wouldn't have been told, they're just oversensitive.

As if "well-reasoned properly-toned" objection by one humble petitioner would not be dismissed as idiosyncratic (and so not worthy of note) since some of their very best friends are of the offended party and think it's grand. It's always useful to have your token friends--no bingo board is complete without them.

Actually, it's that news about your RPG has just made it to LiveJournal, where I'm sure you're aware there's still a much larger and more active fannish community than there is on IJ. I read about it on my flist there, and I didn't come over here to comment because I'm a sheep. I came over to comment because your words and your actions are offensive to me, and offensive and incredibly hurtful to so many of my friends.

It's nice to know that MY words and MY actions solely affect you this much.

Yes. Yes, your words and your actions affect other people this much. That is the point which many, many people have been trying to make to you. You're hurting people, and you're valuing a role playing game above that.

Um what? How am I as a singular human being who is not even a mod of the game and only a player in something that has nothing against the Jewish... hurting an entire group of people. A+ job at playing victim, I get the offense, I do, but this all is UNNECESSARY.

Let us go through this step by step:

You, as a 'singular human being', chose to take part in this game, knowing what it was called.

You, as a 'singular human being', chose to ignore and refute the justifiable anger and hurt which people expressed to you.

You, as a 'singular human being', choose to persist in that behaviour and say that it's irrelevant to you.

You—one person—are hurting an entire group of people. It is not unnecessary to point that out.

Me, as a singular being - my fucking grandmother is Jewish. I am not IGNORING anything. Do not sit there and put words in my mouth or push all blame off anywhere you can. It offends you, wonderful, they understand.

Or it could be that, when a large number of people tell you that your ass is showing, you might want to put on some goddamn pants.

But it's so much easier to just dismiss everybody as mindless sheep! After all, it's just not *possible* that so many people might be upset about their idiotic behavior! No! That's *silly*!


This is ridiculous and unnecessary. Attack me for stating my opinion as you've stated yours? I smell a hypocrite.

If by "stating your opinion" you mean calling people "mindless sheep" and "cunts"? You sure did a great job!

You can call me whatever you want. My opinion is that you're an idiot. I'll happily stand by it - no hypocrisies needed at all!

I suggested she was a cunt because she said something uncalled for and rude, do not reverse psychology me and twist my words around, ok, I've been polite to everyone who has commented me and I am not even a MOD. It doesn't work. I never said "mindless" either, so bully on making up a lot more bullshit here!

If by "being polite" you mean "rude, dismissive, and insulting," sure. When you call people "sheep" and tell someone they don't have to be "a cunt," you don't get to take the moral high ground on politeness.

Honestly? If I had seen it when I still had this comm on my Friends List, you bet I'd have been saying something about it from the moment I saw it.

As it was, it was brought to my attention by a friend.