Asylum Promotion
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IJ Asylum Promotion Info
This asylum is dedicated to asylum promotion. It is important to list your asylum, tell a little about it, and a link is always nice. Happy searching and posting!

Find the right asylum for you!

May 2024
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[info]hp_index: Find the right HP Asylum for you!

[info]hp_index is an asylum dedicated to helping people find their way around the Insane Journal Harry Potter fandom.

[info]hp_index gives you a place to promote your new or already existing Harry Potter related asylum and helps you to find the asylum you are looking for. Specifically to help you find the HP related asylum that is dedicated to your favourite part of the fandom, be it discussion, news, art, icons, the films, fan-fiction, pairings/ships, specific characters/groups, conventions/meetups or anything else you can think of.

We do not list personal fanfic/icon/fanart journals or Role-Play asylums so you don't need to worry about your flist being spammed.

We currently have 70+ watchers and would love to add YOU to that list.

To submit an asylum please use this template:

Asylum to be added:
Short description of what this asylum dedicated to:
Category/ies this asylum is to be listed under:
Anything else you would like us to know:

To Search the Harry Potter Index by Category or for more information please read the Asylum Information page.

The more people that see The Index, the more useful it becomes, so if you would like to link to us you can use a banner which you can find here or a button which you can find here.