Asylum Promotion
.....: .:.:.:..:

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Back August 6th, 2007 Forward
Jan [userpic]

Lj cutting pondarosa121.....I lover her art.

I hope some one can get her to post here to I really dont care for GJ.

I just hate seeing HP scattered all over the place and then tracking down your friends. I started a community </a></strong></a>[info]finding_hp
It is away of locating friends and maybe make some new ones along the way.

Help,  I have done it again... [userpic]

[info]kinkfest, a multifandom, low-pressure challenge community recreated as an asylum here at IJ.

We are taking prompt submissions for our inaugural round here. Hope to see some of you there!

Minxie [userpic]
Multi-fandom Writing Prompt Table...

[info]5_kinks, a challenge community where it's all about the kink factor. The community is open to multifandom fan-fiction/art. Kinks range from the not so unusual spanking to the harder core breath play. You pick your level of play and who you play with. You then have three months to show us your kink factor.

Membership is moderated and requires comment on the age statement post/year of birth in your profile. Posting is limited to members.

Shoo, now. Go join up, make your claim and then show us your kink factor.

Nikkie [userpic]

This is an icon challange community. 50 icons in 12 weeks. Any Subject from any fandom. No themes. Inspired by icons50 over at LJ.

[info]fandom_counts: InsaneJournal's fandom headcount.

Fandom is awesome, and our numbers are, too.

This community mirrors the LJ comm, so no posts will be made. All you have to do is join and be counted!

Joe Reaves [userpic]
Four Fiction Challenge Asylums

I've just set up four asylums. They're all 50 prompt fiction challenges (mostly with multiple prompt tables to choose from).

They are -

[info]50episodes This is for all those of you who, like me, bounce around from scene to scene when writing longer stories and don't always write in order. Now you can post scenes in response to prompts rather than complete stories. Maybe it will help you kick start that bunny that's been gathering dust for months or just let you see how people react to snippets before you've finished the fic. Either way come and join in. No deadlines, all types of fiction (fanfiction and original welcomed, with the exception of RPF, but I'm easily convinced if you really need/want to write something a bit different). Claim a fandom, an original world, a character, a pairing, an AU, pretty much anything you want.

[info]50alternates This is for those of you who love AUs. You can pick the fantasy table and put your fandom (or group of original characters if you really want) into 50 different fantasy inspired AUs. The only rule is that if you sue a fantasy fandom the world has to be different from the one your characters come from. That means not changing events, but how the world actually works ie Voldemort winning would not be a different fantasy world from canon Harry Potter, it's just an alternate series of events, but putting Harry into Middle Earth (or any world of your own creation) or turning the characters into superheroes would be. Alternatively pick the historical fiction table and write your characters into 50 different periods/locations. You can't use the period that your canon comes from but anything else is acceptable.

[info]50harlequins For those of you who are secretly (or proudly) readers of trashy romances. Take fifty different romance clichés/plots/settings and write your character or characters into them. Het/slash/moresomes all welcome, although taking a traditonal harlequin cliché and applying it to a threesome may take some imagination on your part. Take the cliches and make them your own.

[info]50originals At last a prompt community for original fiction. Tables are sorted by genre although you don't specifically have to write the genre the table is for (ie if you're writing sci-fi and the horror prompts seem more appropriate, feel free to claim those instead) The only rule is that you have to write original fiction, not fanfiction.

Back August 6th, 2007 Forward