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Jun. 16th, 2014



❝ it's creeping up the floorboards, got me wondering where I stand. ❞

CITIZEN(S): Elizabeth & People at the Institution
LOCATION: Institution
DATE: Day 27 (Night)

Elizabeth had learned long ago that the smallest detail was the most important thing in solving a puzzle. Her hobbies had included solving ciphers in her tower, which made many things in her journey with Booker easier. This city? It was no different. All that was needed was the code for the cipher. Once she found it? She could unravel the mystery of why they were there.

And why she couldn't leave.

Maybe leave was the wrong word? It was more like she was... tethered. Bound to this world. She could step into the doors of the lives of the people she had met. Oh, the things she had seen. The trials and tribulations and everything they did or didn't choose. All those doors and what was behind all those doors. But... no matter how far she went? She always found herself right back where she started.


That was why she had decided to further investigate the prison. Even if the offices had rotted papers and nothing seemed to be readable? She could find something. Notes left by the prisoners or maybe even evidence of a prison break. There had to be something. Something that would explain why she couldn't go home.

Not that she had a home to go back to.

Jun. 3rd, 2014



who you gonna call?

CITIZEN(S): Bigby Wolf + YOU
LOCATION: The streets of Astoria; an abandoned tailor shop
DATE: Day 23
BRACKETS OR PROSE: Either is fine. Feel free to catch Bigby during or after his fight, in wolf or human form.

Well that had definitely been a surprise. One second he'd been investigating a mark burned into the brick wall of an alleyway (a mark he's certain wasn't there last time he'd been here), the next he's being tossed backwards against the nearest building by an unknown force. Fur ripples across his skin instinctively, nails and teeth lengthening to sharp points, ready to defend himself from whatever invisible foe had attacked him.

guess who can't write fight scenes )

Bigby sniffs around the alley for any clues as to what just happened, but there's nothing to be found. The mark on the wall is no longer glowing, nor is it doing anything else, and eventually Bigby resigns himself to slinking away to lick his wounds and recoup. Until he can find new clothes he's stuck as a wolf (and he definitely doesn't want to get caught by another ghost while he's running around nude), so he sniffs at the musty nighttime air and heads for the nearest shop to steal some new clothes. If he runs into anyone on his way there, well, hope they don't mind angry giant wolves.