For posting in the main community, which is for in person interactions (one-one or one-many), set it up like this:

Jul. 7th, 2014


And where on earth is this?

CITIZEN(S): Teddy Altman + OPEN
LOCATION: The Streets
DATE: Day 34

Teddy does not know where he is. This place is creepy, and empty, and as far as he can work out, it's not New York. It doesn't look like anywhere he knows. And that's just the start of it.

He's certain someone something is following him. Watching from windows, trailing him. It's just a feeling he has, the hair on the back of his neck standing on end, his pulse quickening. He wants to get away, but no matter which roads he goes done, how fast he walks, the feeling doesn't go away.

How this has happened he doesn't know. He doesn't know if this is a dream, but it feels, smells and looks real. He doesn't have his phone on him, and frankly he's not about to stop and search any of these creepy looking buildings. He's going to wake up, really soon, or he's going to find his way out of here. Or, better yet, someone is going to tell him what on earth is going on, and where his friends are.

Otherwise there's going to be trouble. Or something.

Jun. 26th, 2014



First Meetings

CITIZEN(S): the Doctor, Mycroft Holmes
LOCATION: the bells
DATE: Day 29

The Doctor is pretty confident he's crawled over the entire expanse of the hospital, and he could confirm that by his jacket being completely covered by cobwebs. But he was pleased with what he had managed so far by setting up the generator to cover a good portion of the hospital. There wasn't anything much for wiring, but he made due with the supplies he and Tony collected from the jail.

Coming to the lobby of the Bells, he was clapping his hands of the dust, dirt, and grime and brushing off his jacket when he noticed someone he hadn't met yet making his way inside.

"Hello!" He greeted rather cheerfully, now curious after seeing this man's rather determined expression. He looked like he was a man on a mission.

Jun. 25th, 2014


Day 28: The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances

( DAY 28 )
CITIZEN(S): Mycroft Holmes + Gregory Lestrade
LOCATION: Evening, at the Canticum
DATE: Day 28(June 21st - June 26th)

Ff there is any reaction, both are transformed. )

Jun. 21st, 2014


Day 29 - Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.

( DAY 28 ) Let There Be ... Communication
CITIZEN(S): Mycroft Holmes + You
LOCATION: Everywhere around the Palisade
DATE: Day 28(June 21st - June 26th)

There were many things lacking in this new world, but the one thing that truly aggravated Mycroft Holmes was the lack of communication. Oh certainly, one could walk across this cesspool of minimalistic living, but there was no way to talk to people over great distances without, alas, shouting. He and Loki had turned their building into a Hub of central activity, where messages were left and answered, but nothing extensive.

So, inbetween managing the garden (and in all reality, Loki), and his other interests, Mycroft worked off the principles of Philo Farnsworth. It was a simple step sideways - after the Master and the Doctor figured out how to get electricity to work within the city's confines, it was child's play to backwards engineer that, and even easier to work from waves that now existed. With that in mind, he took pieces of glass, copper and steel components, some tools that his Irregulars had found and constructed this:

Astoria's First Smart Phone )

Now, of course, it needed to be tested. So he left a device in all the major buildings in the city - with a simple note that said - 'In an hour, turn me on and turn to channel on your knob.'

One hour later, his face appeared on the screen, smiling smugly, "Oh very good. Good day, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. I am Mycroft Holmes, and congratulations, we now have mass communication devices. Now, I am willing of course to create devices for everyone, and not just one per building, but it will be necessary for us to have a meeting of the minds on how we might start trading goods, and services. As you can see, my mental facilities are of great use, and I am sure everyone here has skills that will lead to everyone's survival. I shall be switch through the channels to speak to you each individually, naturally, so please, feel free to step forward with any ideas you might have."

Jun. 16th, 2014



❝ dig up her bones but leave her soul alone ❞

CITIZEN(S): Elizabeth Childs + OPEN
DATE: Day 27 (night)
NOTE: Trigger warning for mentions of suicide/death

let her find a way to a better place )



❝ it's creeping up the floorboards, got me wondering where I stand. ❞

CITIZEN(S): Elizabeth & People at the Institution
LOCATION: Institution
DATE: Day 27 (Night)

Elizabeth had learned long ago that the smallest detail was the most important thing in solving a puzzle. Her hobbies had included solving ciphers in her tower, which made many things in her journey with Booker easier. This city? It was no different. All that was needed was the code for the cipher. Once she found it? She could unravel the mystery of why they were there.

And why she couldn't leave.

Maybe leave was the wrong word? It was more like she was... tethered. Bound to this world. She could step into the doors of the lives of the people she had met. Oh, the things she had seen. The trials and tribulations and everything they did or didn't choose. All those doors and what was behind all those doors. But... no matter how far she went? She always found herself right back where she started.


That was why she had decided to further investigate the prison. Even if the offices had rotted papers and nothing seemed to be readable? She could find something. Notes left by the prisoners or maybe even evidence of a prison break. There had to be something. Something that would explain why she couldn't go home.

Not that she had a home to go back to.



in the forests of the night

CITIZEN(S): Bigby Wolf & Connor
LOCATION: the woods by Corvia Palace
DATE: Day 27

Bigby stands at the edge of the palace grounds, the close proximity to the woods making his skin tingle. He wants to be back in his true skin, running and hunting and killing, and that's a dangerous mindspace for him to be. There's something about this forest that's doing this to him, and he needs to know what it is so he can stop it. He hasn't spent all these years trying to make amends just to go back to being the mindless killer he once was.

Whatever creature or magical artifact is in the woods, it's not the only thing. There are living animals, possible prey, and only a few minutes ago a familiar scent passed under Bigby's nose. Connor thinks he's a good tracker, and he is better than most, Bigby will admit, but he's still only human. He makes almost no noise up in the trees, an impressive feat, but Bigby can hear the scrape of his boots on the bark and the way the wind rustles the leaves as he passes by. Normally Bigby would leave him be, but if Connor is exploring the forest, perhaps he's already found something of value.

Jun. 8th, 2014



I'm like a rock and rollin straight into your day

CITIZEN(S): Pepper Potts and whoever stumbles across her
LOCATION: The Gardens or anywhere around the city
DATE: Day 25
BRACKETS OR PROSE: Whichever you prefer!

Despite the size of the estate, Pepper found herself with a serious case of cabin fever. She was used to something far different than this. Even after nearly three weeks she still found herself waking up and rolling over looking for two things - her cell phone and Tony.

They hadn't been separated for this long since Afghanistan, not even during the most recent events that threatened them both and that brought up all kinds of uncomfortable memories.

She eventually left the mansion for the day, wandering the streets and looking for anything or anyone who might be useful or interesting. She probably looks a mess, in her skinny jeans and shoes from home with a scavenged men's shirt that is obviously not her choice, but she still holds herself with composure. There's no other option.

Anyone who she sees will be called out to, even if it looks like they might not want to be spoken to. She's always looking for more people to talk to, either for information or for a future ally.

She's especially curious about the marks she's finding that match the scars everyone seems to have.

Jun. 5th, 2014


Before you walk through walls...

CITIZEN(S): Kitty Pryde and YOU!

LOCATION: On the Streets

DATE: Day 24


BRACKETS OR PROSE: No preference!

You will leave all this behind. DOFP spoilers below cut! )

[No Subject]

CITIZEN(S): Danny Fenton and YOU!
DATE: Day 24
BRACKETS OR PROSE: Whichever tickles your fancy!

Read more... )

Jun. 4th, 2014


[No Subject]

CITIZEN(S): Peggy Carter + You
LOCATION: Institute
DATE: Day 23
BRACKETS OR PROSE: Open to either

Read more... )

Jun. 3rd, 2014



who you gonna call?

CITIZEN(S): Bigby Wolf + YOU
LOCATION: The streets of Astoria; an abandoned tailor shop
DATE: Day 23
BRACKETS OR PROSE: Either is fine. Feel free to catch Bigby during or after his fight, in wolf or human form.

Well that had definitely been a surprise. One second he'd been investigating a mark burned into the brick wall of an alleyway (a mark he's certain wasn't there last time he'd been here), the next he's being tossed backwards against the nearest building by an unknown force. Fur ripples across his skin instinctively, nails and teeth lengthening to sharp points, ready to defend himself from whatever invisible foe had attacked him.

guess who can't write fight scenes )

Bigby sniffs around the alley for any clues as to what just happened, but there's nothing to be found. The mark on the wall is no longer glowing, nor is it doing anything else, and eventually Bigby resigns himself to slinking away to lick his wounds and recoup. Until he can find new clothes he's stuck as a wolf (and he definitely doesn't want to get caught by another ghost while he's running around nude), so he sniffs at the musty nighttime air and heads for the nearest shop to steal some new clothes. If he runs into anyone on his way there, well, hope they don't mind angry giant wolves.

May. 31st, 2014


never truly back from the war

CITIZEN(S): Bethmora Fortescue and you
LOCATION: Winding between the various landmarks. Potentially anywhere!
DATE: Day 23

Wrapping one's head around a situation is important. Knowing the lay of the land, even more so. Other than a few forays out into the Gardens, Fortescue's kept herself rather centered in the Institution, trying to scrounge as much as she can from its halls and into more centralized locations. It's easier to see what you have to work with, that way. But the ex-spy isn't used to so much confinement, and her small travels have told her that many others are out there in the rest of the city. It would be interesting to see how many, roughly.

And so, to that end, Fortescue sets out to explore. She collects a piece of paper and a pencil from an old office, to scrawl on as she goes, and tucks a few snacks into her coat pockets before she sets out, warning Elizabeth as she does so. The idea is to be back by evening, but these things don't always work out as planned. On the other hand, she's had less to work with, before. She just never thought that she would be back to those circumstances.

Jazz trails after her, black tail raised high, as she walks. She keeps her pace even but slow, stopping occasionally to sift through heavy rubble with her magic and mark locations on her makeshift map. Shadowy tendrils extend from dark corners to shift particularly heavy objects as she scavenges for anything that might be useful in these... strange circumstances.

May. 28th, 2014



❝ i said it before, i won't say it again. love is a game to you. ❞

CITIZEN(S): Charles Xavier, Group Estate, and anyone else wandering by!
LOCATION: Corvia Estate
DATE: Day 21 - Day 22 (5/27 ~ 6/1)
NOTES: There are character traits that are being brought out due to Days of Future Past. As Charles is right before the events of the movie, things will be discussed with minimal spoilers! Under a cut just in case.

Read more... )



❝ i'm breaking free from these memories, gotta let it go, just let it go. ❞

CITIZEN(S): Gwen Stacy and YOU!
LOCATION: Outside of Saxonville
DATE: Day 21 - Day 22 (5/27 ~ 6/1)

Gwen had decided to focus on the problems she had on hand: food and shelter. Mr. Saxon was kind enough to provide both, and also kind enough to give her a job. Even though it was less of a job and more of a task to help them survive. A small area had been designated for gardening, and Gwen was put in charge of that and organizing and keeping track of supplies. It kept her busy and she was just fine with that. Her internship for OSCORP and studies for school went with genetic engineering, but this at least kept her mind busy.

It was jarring to learn that your boyfriend (ex-boyfriend) had spent a year somewhere else with someone who pretended to be her. Then he had a girlfriend. Just days ago Gwen had been on his front steps being dumped now he has a girlfriend. It made her angry, and jealous, but those were never things Gwen let rule her life. She was in charge of her life. Whatever Peter Parker wanted to do was up to him.

And right now her life was making sure she and the others in Saxonville could survive.

She walked along the perimeter from the outside to make sure that people hadn't broken in. It didn't fall under her list of duties, but she felt it was important. Besides the sun was out to some degree. It would help lift her mood a bit.

May. 24th, 2014


To Work Old Trickster, To Work

CITIZEN(S): Loki Laufeydottir + ALL YOU PEASANTS
LOCATION: The Gardens
DATE: Day 19
BRACKETS OR PROSE: Either is fine~
[ Come one, come all! Welcome to the new and improved center of this drab mortal city. It's been twelve days of hard work on Loki's part, but she does appear to have lifted a finger. The flowers that sprawled across the expanse of the place are all starting to come back to life, as well as some herbs which is much more beneficial but why not a touch of theatrics? It's meant to be alluring is it not and she did say to Mycroft she would do her part to make a central meeting point in the city.

So all you hungry peasants fellow prisoners Loki has a proposition for you. You see she's been hunting and if there's anything a skilled princess of Asgard knows how to do it's wield a blade. There's very good cuts of meat, some edible vegetation she found as well as spices and seasoning she's starting to accumulate.

There are also quite a few bottles stacked up next to each other. None of them really match (how can they when one is left to scavenge abandoned buildings?) but they contain some herbal equivalents to modern medicines. Pain killers, solutions to clean wounds, calming teas among other things. She's quick to establish herself in this world, and it's more than beneficial to her to start learning the names and faces of all the others Marked Ones trapped here.

Let's put Mycroft's idea of how things are organized to the test. How much of his information can be accurate. There's only one way to find out.

As most people apt at survival, they know not to look a gift horse in the mouth so what will you have? Food or medical supplies? Or are you looking for something more specific? It doesn't matter if your character only means to say hello. Loki is a charismatic and charming Goddess with a silvertongue. Come and poke at her.]

[ooc: if you have any questions or need to reach me I'm pir8_queen on plurk! ]

May. 22nd, 2014



[No Subject]

CITIZEN(S): Debra Morgan, OPEN
LOCATION: Obscurum Chapel
DATE: Day 19

"The fuck is this place?" Debra woke up in a dusty pew, confused, and with a headache from who knows what. She vaguely wonders if it's a Sunday, but then realized this place looked old and she wasn't one to really go to church.

Her forearm stung, and from there looked like a wound of some sort, again something didn't remember.

"Have I been fucking roofied?" She muttered to herself as she walked around. Immediately her hand flew to where her gun holster would be, and was relieved to still find it there. Pulling it out, she began searching the room for anyone suspicious making a move to jump out at her. It wouldn't be the first time.

May. 14th, 2014


[No Subject]

CITIZEN(S): Reyna Ramirez-Arellano + YOU!
LOCATION: Seat of the Canticum
DATE: Day 17-ish

This felt closer to home. It wasn't quite-- but it was closer than she'd felt in a long time. Her automaton dogs at either side of her, Reyna ascended the steps to the building, pausing to trail her fingers across the column.

It was as though a piece of New Rome had followed her. And it was infinitely more welcoming to her than the church of a God that she didn't believe in. The demigod's fingers curled against the column before she let out a short breath and rested her forehead against it for just a moment as her dogs scouted ahead.

Of course, the sound of Aurum growling was enough to jolt her from her thoughts. Pushing herself away from the column, she squared her shoulders back and peered ahead. "Who's there?"