November 2012



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Nov. 23rd, 2011


Who: Peter Parker and OPEN
What: Peter's reflecting about Gwen, while trying to grasp everything that's going on.
Where: New York City (detailed enough?)
When: November 23rd, 2011
Rating/Warnings: Uhm... I 'unno yet. I'm listening to Doctor Who music--does that mean anything?
Status: Open | Complete

I Am The Doc--spider. )

Nov. 18th, 2011


Who: Chloe Markson and Warren Worthington III
What: A panicked phone call
When: November 18th, 2011
Where: Chloe's apartment / the Institute
Rating/Warnings: Negative
Status: Closed, unless someone's going to steal Warren's phone | Complete

It's times like this I wish I still had my scarf. )

Oct. 30th, 2011


Chloe and Rahne (Open)

Who: Chloe and Rahne
What: Jogging by the East River
When: Saturday morning
Where: by the Williamsburg Bridge, Manhattan
Warnings: I don't think so, will amend if necessary
Status: Open; In Progress

Jogging is very beneficial. It's good for your legs and your feet. It's also very good for the ground. It makes it feel needed. )

Oct. 24th, 2011


Who: Spider-Man and OPEN
What: Spidey patrols his city
When: 10/24/1963
Where: New York City Rooftops
Rating/warnings: I imagine PG? Depends who shows up, this is subject to change. No warnings.
Status: Very open | Complete

When you wake, you shall have, All the pretty little horses. )

Oct. 21st, 2011


Who: Chloe Markson and Cameron Hodge
What: A phone call
When: Mid-October, more than a week after she was visited in Baltimore
Where: A phone booth
Rating/Warnings: Negative
Status: Closed, Complete

Read more... )

Oct. 11th, 2011


Who: Chloe and Caliban
What: A brief encounter
When: The morning after Chloe disappeared, early October
Where: Lower Manhattan
Rating/Warnings: Negative
Status: Closed, Complete

Read more... )

Oct. 8th, 2011


Who: Chloe and Warren
What: Exercise
When: 3:00 sharp
Where: By the lake
Rating/Warnings: Mild language
Status: Open to anyone wandering the grounds, Complete

If he didn't show up on time, Chloe was leaving without him. )

Oct. 6th, 2011


i was gonna go to work, but then i got high...

Who: Haylie Collins, any other poor unfortunate soul that stumbles upon her
What: Someone may have accidentally consumed one or two of Alison's brownies.
When: October 5th, 1963
Where: Xavier Institute; Front lawn
Rating/Warnings: Swearing and craziness?
Status: Open; In Progress

Because I got high, because I got high, because I got high~ la dee da da da da~ )

Oct. 1st, 2011


Who: Chloe Markson and Charles Xavier
What: A favor
When: Evening of the day Chloe arrived at the Institute
Where: Xavier's office
Rating/Warnings: None
Status: Closed, complete

There's no harm in asking. Usually. )

Sep. 27th, 2011


Who: Chloe Markson
What: Chloe starts to deal with the fact that she's a mutant, tests her powers, and decides on a plan of action
When: Late September, shortly after meeting Ororo Munroe
Where: Lower Manhattan
Rating/Warnings: None except for word count
Status: Closed, complete

At first Chloe had simply hidden in her apartment, too paranoid to venture back outside. )

Sep. 24th, 2011


Who: Storm, Chloe/Colin
What: Convincing Chloe she might just be a mutant
When: An early evening in late September
Where: The streets of Lower Manhattan
Rating/Warnings: Potential for bigoted language from Chloe
Status: Closed, Complete!

Barely six o'clock and it was already getting dim outside. Chloe straightened her coat and shifted her briefcase to her other hand. )