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Oct. 20th, 2011


If I had a hammer. . .

Who: Jean Grey, Pepper Potts, others, open!
What:Time to rebuild
When: Early one morning
Where: The School
Rating/Warnings: G?  update as needed
Status: Open, In Progress

Sep. 28th, 2011


Who: Felix and Megan, and anyone who feels it's right to tell felix about Megan's crush.
What: Talking after a long time of being missing
When: Before her saucy date ;)
Where: Xavier Academy
Warnings: Possible heartbreak; not sure yet.
Status: Open; in progress

Felix stumbled up to the front door, he was exhausted. He walked up to his room and crashed onto his bed, thankful for a soft landing. He was not the same person he was before, there was a coldness to him that he had not known before. After everything he had seen trying to learn about people and society, he realized how harsh and unforgiving the real world was. There was one thing he knew for certain now... ignorance is most definitely bliss. He needed to see his beam of sunshine in the dark world. He pushed himself up and set off to find Megan. He needed something positive today.

Aug. 22nd, 2011


Who: Felix and Megan. Of Course!
What: Having Tea
When: Before Megan and Lee went camping
Warnings: Incredibly cheesy romance stuff
Status:Closed; In Progress

Felix quickly rushed into the kitchen, knowing he would find Megan there. They had made plans for tea and he needed something to do anyway. He was in a casual t-shirt and jeans as he flashed into the room, smiling cheerfully and spouting and enthusiastic greeting as he swept her up.

Jul. 29th, 2011


Who: Felix and Megan
What: Talking
Where: Felix's room
When: After his return
Warnings: none
Status: Closed! In progress

Felix slumped into his room exhausted, it had been a while since he had gotten sick like that. He could handle a cold or sore throat, but something about the stomach flu made his powers go crazy. He didn't even have time to tell Megan where he was going. He felt bad, but if he had stayed his condition would be worse and the room would be destroyed. He changed his clothes and flopped onto his mattress he had asked a student to tell Megan he was back and would be waiting whenever she was free. He knew two things for certain, he missed her like crazy and he had some explaining to do.

Jul. 24th, 2011


Who: Felix , Megan, and anyone who wants to train/talk with him
What: Training or Talking
Where: Danger Room
When: Day after Meet the X-men
Warnings: Try to keep it PG
Status: Closed! Complete

Felix entered the danger room, not sure what to do. He saw the various training items in the room and the wide space for his flashing. He decided he would start basic and get warmed up with a few laps of flashing before he started the hard stuff. He was waiting for Kurt to come along he had heard that he was a swordsman as well and could teleport. He was excited to meet him and hoped some of his other friends would come along too, one in particular.

Jul. 2nd, 2011


Who: Wade and YOU (that's right slackers! get your butt into this class, or suffer the consequences)
What: Self Defense / Kickin Ass / How to be a BAMF -- Class
When: Before the ball.
Where: Large classroom at the Institute
Rating/Warnings: Possible language, obvious physical fighting, ridiculousness~
Status: Open! Come and get acquainted, get your butt kicked, get into shape.

It's not working until it hurts-- )