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Feb. 14th, 2010


"Letters Home," Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth

Title: Letters Home
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 3,370ish
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth: first impressions
Summary: Well, he promised he'd write.
A/N:  Sorry this is late! It was due on the 9th, but work went psycho crazy the last few weeks and I've been pulling a lot of overtime--my wallet will be happy, but I've been a little stressball. All that meant, alas, no writing time for me. ;_; There was a lot more I wanted to do with this, but it was already late, so... ;_;

This is stand-alone, but it fits into my "In This Together" Gen/Angeal backstory series.  You don't need to have read any of it to get this, although it will help you get some throwaway references a bit better. >:D

Letters Home )

Feb. 9th, 2010


“All In” Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Zack/Nero)

Title: All In
Author: GuiltyRed
PG13 (language)
Warnings: none
Word count: 2440
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Zack/Nero (order doesn't matter): General Badassery (car chases, fights, etc) -
"There is a reason why no one messes with the "creepy kid". "
Summary: The enemy of my enemy is my friend – if he’ll agree to the terms.
A/N: I’m taking the canon appearance of Weiß and Nero from “Crisis Core,” and trying to work it to make sense of some of the stuff from “Dirge of Cerberus.” Also, making a guess as to the origin of the Tsviets in relation to Restrictor here.




(reposted to fix formatting issue)

Feb. 5th, 2010


So Keep Breathing (Cloud/Tifa-ish)

Title: So Keep Breathing
Author/Artist: OCValkyrie (a.k.a. Valk or ObsessiveCompulsiveValkyrie)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mild language; Major(?) OOC-ness…
Word Count: 3751
Prompt: boy!Tifa/girl!Cloud: AU - Tifa is the SOLDIER
A/N: Okay, so the prompt said Tifa was the SOLDIER, but since Cloud never really was a SOLDIER, I kinda had to substitute with the storyline. I’m assuming the prompt just meant that boy!Tifa is the one in Cloud’s canon position… I tried, okay? Oh, God… This is weird for me to even write… Waaayyy out of my happy little comfort zone… And, for obvious reasons, I changed Tifa’s name. Cloud could get away as a girl’s name, but Tifa for a boy? Not so much.
A/N v.2: I know, I know… I’m a day late. I’m really starting this prompt thing off on the right foot, huh? And I know I got the canon sequence off here, but the prompt said ‘AU,’ so I figure that meant I could use poetic license…

Oct. 26th, 2009


A Voyage of Night, Final Fantasy VII (Genesis/Zack/Cloud+Seph/Angeal hints)

Title: A Voyage of Night
Author: [info]skeren
Rating: G
Warnings: AU!
Word count: 1038
Summary: Come away, O human child! To the waters and the wild With a faery, hand in hand, For the world's more full of weeping than you can understand.
A/N: This came out better than I hoped and was due the Fifth as well, apologies.

Out for a walk )


Boot Polishing. Final Fantasy VII (Zack/Sephiroth)

Title: Boot Polishing
Author: [info]skeren
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word count: 262
Summary: The way Zack was eyeing his boots made him a little nervous
A/N: I know this was due on the first. I just clawed my way free of my first real case of writers block. This is the first of several prompts, hopefully I get caught the rest of the way up in the next day or two.

Scuff marks? )

Oct. 13th, 2009


A Touch of Strange pt 2 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/Sephiroth, NC-17

Title: A Touch of Strange - Part Two
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: NC-17
Word count: approx 12,000 for both parts
Warnings: mad scientists, male/male sex, wing!kink and plotting.
Prompt: July 20 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/winged!Sephiroth: wing kink - exploration
Summary: Sephiroth had a tendency to make Lazard change his plans...

Part One found here.

It was well after five when Lazard looked up from his paperwork and frowned. )


A Touch of Strange - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/Sephiroth, NC-17

Title: A Touch of Strange
Author: [info]mystiri_1
Rating: NC-17
Word count: approx 12,000 for both parts
Warnings: mad scientists, male/male sex, wing!kink and plotting.
Prompt: July 20 - Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Lazard/winged!Sephiroth: wing kink - exploration
Summary: Sephiroth had a tendency to make Lazard change his plans...
Author's Note: Yes, I know this prompt is back up for this round, but I figured I'd be honest - it's a really late fic, not an early one. I injured my hand the week it was due, which will teach me to not have my fics written in advance. Then when the amnesty period came, it just kept getting longer. But here it is, anyway.

There were perks and compensations for working for ShinRa that went far beyond the high pay rate, luxury apartment and executive facilities. )

Part Two

Jul. 30th, 2009


Unjust Rewards, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Zack and Sephiroth)

Title: Unjust Rewards
Author: GuiltyRed
Warnings: Jenova
Word count:  ~1250
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Zack and Sephiroth: role switch – Zack as the bad guy, Sephiroth as the good guy.
Summary: When Jenova enters the picture, loyalty is a good deal more than skin deep.
A/N: This is the other fic.


Jenova Project Z, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Zack and Sephiroth)

Title: Jenova Project Z
Author: GuiltyRed
Warnings: ouch
Word count: 100
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Zack and Sephiroth: role switch – Zack as the bad guy, Sephiroth as the good guy.
Summary: Let the fires burn.
A/N: This prompt actually went off in two very different directions.
Second fic to be posted later today, so as not to be confused with this one.

Genesis’ words burned in his head, gnawing at his – what? Balance? Sense of self?


Whatever it was, it had been knocked well out of line.

“I was made with Jenova cells? You’re saying I really am a monster...”

“Yes,” Genesis whispered. “But in you, the cells are stable. There is no deterioration.”

He looked down at his hands – human hands, or were they? Those hands had taken so many lives already, and if Genesis spoke truly… Not looking up, Zack whispered, “Is this how I had the power to kill Angeal?”

For that sin alone, they would all pay.

Jul. 23rd, 2009


Showdown at Modeo Ravine, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Angeal/Genesis)

Title: Showdown at Modeo Ravine
Artist: [info]dogmatix
Rating: Pg-13 for language
Warnings: tentacles?
Prompt:Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth: tentacles - 'And you've managed to hide this how long?'
Summary: Sephiroth persuades Angeal and (with Angeal's help) Genesis to grow a brain.
A/N: Man I'm not even done playig Crisis Core(stuck just before Nibelheim) and I'm already doing fixits for it. XD I almost did an extra drabble for this, but it kept coming up Seph/Zack. ^^;

Showdown at Modeo Ravine )

Jul. 21st, 2009


The Prospect of Giving In [FFVII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis]

Title: The Prospect of Giving In
Author: [info]shimyaku
Rating: R
Warnings: man-love, angst
Word count: 740
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis: conflict of interest – “Protect me from what I want.”
A/N: So very very late... This fic just didn't want to be written. I think this is the 4th incarnation of it - but at least I finished this one...

He'd seen it enough times to know. )

Jul. 16th, 2009


Teach Me Love, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Genesis)

Title: Teach Me Love
Author: [info]sphinxofthenile
Warnings: Smut. Fluff. Oh my god the fluff. Also, they are in their teens. Deal with it.
Word count: ~1500
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Genesis: inexperience – “Teach me love or teach me war / Roses on the bathroom floor / Teach me all and teach me more”
Summary: Of all the things he could imagine Sephiroth saying, he never expected a question like this.
A/N: Happy Sephesis Day!

Jul. 14th, 2009


Pick Your Poison, Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Angeal/Genesis)

Title: Pick Your Poison
Author: [info]sphinxofthenile
Word count:
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, Genesis depilation - the smoothness turns him on
To him, it made sense.
A/N: My apologies.

Jul. 9th, 2009


On the Porch, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth)

Title: On the Porch
Author: [info]sphinxofthenile
Rating: PG
Warnings: Awful, awful crack.
Word count: 820
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth: AU - They're all alive and old and on rockers on the porch
Summary: It was a damn good thing Hollander found the cure for their degradation before things could’ve gotten any worse.
A/N: All [info]white_jenna's fault.

Jul. 5th, 2009


Pain of Red, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Genesis)

Title: Pain of Red
Author: [info]sphinxofthenile
Warnings: bondage, wax, blood play, asphyxiation, masturbation
Word count: ~400
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Genesis: after battle – He tasted like sweat and leather.
Summary: He always comes back for more.
A/N: Took off with the prompt, I’m sorry. Strongly inspired by [info]_ice_lady_’s fic Like It Rough and the song Pierrot the Clown by Placebo.

Jul. 1st, 2009


Ode to the Sun, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Sephiroth/Genesis)

Title: Ode to the Sun
Author: [info]sphinxofthenile
Rating: PG
Warnings: Light angst.
Word count: 520
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Genesis: Pampering - Being a spoiled brat, he was used to certain luxuries.
Summary: He had so little that meant so much.
A/N: Beta read by the lovely gothicdragon752.

May. 15th, 2009


[fic] : Diplomacy of the Finests Kind, FFVII: Crisis Core (Seph/Gen implied)

Diplomacy of the Finest Kind
Warnings: Possibly Genesis/Sephiroth, but really gen so isn’t quite following prompt, but trying to stay close to it
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core Genesis / Sephiroth: dancing-slave AU - The albino they'd captured had been well trained, certainly, but no one would mistake the creature for well tamed; he wondered whether the slave would respond better to gentleness, or to a firm hand on the leash.
: A possible outcome if the Shinra/Wutai interaction had taken place in a medieval time period, before technology or any of that good stuff.

That Wutai had boatloads of heretical magicians and freaks was common knowledge—that Wutai had materia, and what it could do on the battlefield, was not. )

Mar. 1st, 2009


Forgive My Betrayal, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Angeal/Genesis)

Title: Forgive My Betrayal
Pairing: Angeal/Genesis, Zack
Rating: PG
Summary: He never really had a choice.
Warning: angst
Word count: ~250
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis + Zack: Emotional Intensity - "You really have to fortify yourself when dealing with someone like Genesis. Patience is a must."
A/N: Was due on the 26th. My apologies. The line before the last one was borrowed from readingchick at LJ with her permission. Translation of Zack's line snatched from SilentTweak. Angeal’s POV.

He wont let you see it and I wont tell. )

Feb. 28th, 2009


Some kind of normal, FFVII:CC (Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth)

Title: Some kind of normal
Author: [info]shimyaku
Rating: R
Warnings: clueless!Seph, disguised angst?, mentioning of mansexings and very brief mention of fisting.
Word count: ~1500
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Sephiroth/Angeal/Genesis: Living together – He was becoming surprisingly fond of the houseplants and LOVELESS advertisement posters.
Summary: Sephiroth tries to understand the relationship between Angeal and Genesis, and how he fits in to it.
A/N: Unfortunately life had to go and interrupt me this month, so all my posts are/will be terribly terribly late orz. But no matter, I'll put up a couple that I prepared earlier, and the others I shall aim to finish in the near future.

Maybe his changing wasn't so bad after all )

Feb. 22nd, 2009


{Fic} Imitation (ff7) [Angeal/Cloud, Zack]

Got back to school yesterday and got distracted. Sorry about the lateness, hope you enjoy! ;;^_^

Title: Imitation

By Clarity Scifiroots

Characters/pairing: Angeal/Cloud, Zack

Rating: Adults Only         Warnings: SMUT, kinda angsty

Words: 1,375

Prompt: FFVII:CC Angeal/Cloud: age differences - In his bed too quick.

Summary:  Angeal knew there were similarities between him and his SOLDIER Second Class shadow. He never expected it to be more than the occasional topic of his friends’ jokes, though.


Notes: I have issues with underage sexual relationships when one of the partners involved is more than a couple years older. Also, I know some Aussies and a new law they’re supposed to follow. So for the sake of this, I’m upping Cloud’s age. Our lovely blonde is 17, still young, but of consenting age. (At least in Australia. ^_^)


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November 2010




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