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Feb. 17th, 2010


Fic: A Raging Emperor's Banquet (Breath of Fire IV, Fou-lu)

Title: A Raging Emperor's Banquet
Author: [info]dogemperor
Rating: 15+ at least in the US. Possibly 18+ in Commonwealth countries due to violence.
Warnings: Yes: God-emperor who has completely lost faith in humanity (and in part lost his mind) and is now in full kill-em-all/"CHARLIE'S IN THE TREES" PTSD mode. Description of the death of a significant other via Carronade. Description of what it's like when the vestigial empire calling you buggers up the summoning, with descriptions of genuine Nightmare Fuel involving Deis' and the Dragonslayer's respective botched summonings. Depictions of being run through with a sword and consequences including the violent beheading of a usurper. YE BUTCHEREDE OLDE ENGLISHE BY THE HOGSHEAD because this is the first time I'm attempting to write extended stretches of the pseudo-Elizabethan English that Fou-lu speaks in in-game.
Word Count: 3445, not counting author's notes
Prompt: Breath of Fire IV, Fou-lu: disillusionment - examples of the folly of mortals
Summary: For potentially the first and last time in his life, the royal court chronicler proves useful to the God-Emperor.
A/N: This is meant as a semi-sequel to A Little After The Dream. As with that fic (and damn near every attempt I have ever made to write any fic involving Fou-lu) historical and full author's notes are in an appendix due to potential spoilers. Be forewarned that THIS IS NOT A HAPPY FIC and that we are about to explore a very dark teatime of a certain god-emperor's soul.

I rather hope this was close to what was intended--Fou-lu's sentiments regarding humanity by this point, I fear, go rather beyond mere disillusionment. :P

It was the job of the court chroniclers to record every moment of the lives of the monarchs of the Fou Empire. Even their worst moments )


[FFVII] Tempt the Devil

Title: Tempt the Devil
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Characters: Sephiroth/Zack
Rating: R
Word Count: 328
Warnings: Dubcon
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Sephiroth/Zack: virgin - he wouldn’t have thought after all the talk he heard that....

Zack's mouth was bound to get him in trouble. )

Feb. 16th, 2010


[FFVII] Whiskers for a Kitten

Title: Whiskers for a Kitten
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Characters: Angeal/Sephiroth
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 287
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Sephiroth: hair fetish - he was fascinated with the idea of facial hair

Sephiroth finds something interesting... )

Feb. 15th, 2010


[Final Fantasy VII] Remnant 6

Title: Remnant 6
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Character: Yazoo
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 440
Prompt: Yazoo gets a job
Notes: Due yesterday. >_> Follows Loz and Kadaj's forays into the world of gainful employment.

Do you want to meet hot, young singles in your area? )


[Final Fantasy VII] Kadaj, Unemployed.

Title: Kadaj, Unemployed.
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Characters: Kadaj
Rating: PG13
Word count: 542
Prompt: Kadaj gets a job
Notes: Due Feb. 2nd. I'm sorry it's late. I underestimated my schedule this month. ^_^"

Kadaj needed the dough. )

Feb. 14th, 2010


"Letters Home," Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth

Title: Letters Home
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Word count: 3,370ish
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis/Sephiroth: first impressions
Summary: Well, he promised he'd write.
A/N:  Sorry this is late! It was due on the 9th, but work went psycho crazy the last few weeks and I've been pulling a lot of overtime--my wallet will be happy, but I've been a little stressball. All that meant, alas, no writing time for me. ;_; There was a lot more I wanted to do with this, but it was already late, so... ;_;

This is stand-alone, but it fits into my "In This Together" Gen/Angeal backstory series.  You don't need to have read any of it to get this, although it will help you get some throwaway references a bit better. >:D

Letters Home )

Feb. 12th, 2010


Family Traditions, Breath of Fire IV (Marlok)

Title: Family Traditions
Author: [info]dogemperor
Rating: PG/T
Warnings: Potential squick warning for mentions of human trafficking, definite squick warning re a certain canonical incident involving a Manillo being massaged by a Wyndian princess
Word Count: 365
Prompt: double dealing - follow the money
Summary: War profiteering could be VERY profitable sometimes...
A/N: Yes, rather a bit more of a drabble, then again, this is writing exercise. Besides, Marlok is kinda fascinating, if sleazy.

Marlok is the very model of a modern Manillo salesman )


[FFVII: Reno] The Product of an Overactive Imagination (2/2)

Title: The Product of an Overactive Imagination (2/2)
Author: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: Reno, some language
Word count: 1,898
Prompt: 10- Final Fantasy VII, Reno: antics - It didn't make sense not to live for fun/your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb
Summary: Reno being Reno.
A/N: I think I'm having too much fun with this. The conclusion. Snow report: got 6" yesterday night and we're scheduled for another 8-12". Woo~!

...Cloud had always been an asshole since he got away from Hojo, Reno mused... )

Feb. 10th, 2010


[FFVII: Reno] The Product of an Overactive Imagination (1/2)

Title: The Product of an Overactive Imagination (1/2)
Author: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: Reno
Word count: 1,124
Prompt: 10- Final Fantasy VII, Reno: antics - It didn't make sense not to live for fun/your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb
Summary: Reno being Reno.
A/N: I think I'm having too much fun with this. Since it's just after midnight of 2/11--and this being due on 2/10--I'd figure I'd post this and post the rest of it when I post my next prompt on the 12. Enjoy~! (PS: How're y'all that're living in the US likin' the snow? Where I am we got 2 ft on Friday night that barely got cleaned up for the 6 or so inches we got today. I'm in Pittsburgh right now and they have no idea what to do with the snow. Me, being from upstate NY--fingerlakes region--am having a blast!)

Reno froze, foot mid step still in the air, eyes wide, as an idea came to him. )

Feb. 9th, 2010


“All In” Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (Zack/Nero)

Title: All In
Author: GuiltyRed
PG13 (language)
Warnings: none
Word count: 2440
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core, Zack/Nero (order doesn't matter): General Badassery (car chases, fights, etc) -
"There is a reason why no one messes with the "creepy kid". "
Summary: The enemy of my enemy is my friend – if he’ll agree to the terms.
A/N: I’m taking the canon appearance of Weiß and Nero from “Crisis Core,” and trying to work it to make sense of some of the stuff from “Dirge of Cerberus.” Also, making a guess as to the origin of the Tsviets in relation to Restrictor here.




(reposted to fix formatting issue)

Feb. 8th, 2010


[KHII: Cloud/Sephiroth/Aeris] Bedside Manner

Title: Bedside Manner
Author: faicinn_rocais
Rating: T
Warnings: none amazingly enough
Word count: 566
Prompt: Feb 8 - Kingdom Hearts II, Cloud/Sephiroth/Aeris: hurt/comfort fixit - "What do you mean 'he doesn't remember Nibelheim?' ... ...What?"
A/N: This was all I could think of. Might come back to it later and revise; who knows? I'll post a link in this post if I ever do.

Read more... )

Feb. 5th, 2010


Fic: Memories, FFVII, (Cloud/Sephiroth)

Title: Memories
Author: Katrina
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word count: 544
Prompt: Cloud/Sephiroth: AU where Cloud is the Crisis - "Cloud, I've brought you the Black Materia..."
Summary: Sephiroth is just following His desires
A/N: I know. Procrastination girl strikes again, with the help of work and feeling like crap. Sorry that it's late.

Memories )


So Keep Breathing (Cloud/Tifa-ish)

Title: So Keep Breathing
Author/Artist: OCValkyrie (a.k.a. Valk or ObsessiveCompulsiveValkyrie)
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mild language; Major(?) OOC-ness…
Word Count: 3751
Prompt: boy!Tifa/girl!Cloud: AU - Tifa is the SOLDIER
A/N: Okay, so the prompt said Tifa was the SOLDIER, but since Cloud never really was a SOLDIER, I kinda had to substitute with the storyline. I’m assuming the prompt just meant that boy!Tifa is the one in Cloud’s canon position… I tried, okay? Oh, God… This is weird for me to even write… Waaayyy out of my happy little comfort zone… And, for obvious reasons, I changed Tifa’s name. Cloud could get away as a girl’s name, but Tifa for a boy? Not so much.
A/N v.2: I know, I know… I’m a day late. I’m really starting this prompt thing off on the right foot, huh? And I know I got the canon sequence off here, but the prompt said ‘AU,’ so I figure that meant I could use poetic license…

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy [Final Fantasy VII, Reeve, G]

Title: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Author: [info]jlsigman
Rating: G
Word count: 217
Prompt: Final Fantasy VII, Reeve and his robots: tinkering – It takes his mind off things
A/N: Takes place post Dirge of Cerberus

Reeve wielded the tweezers with a surgeon's precision and care )

Feb. 2nd, 2010


The Want Ads [Final Fantasy VII]

Title: The Want Ads
Author: [info]ardwynna
Rating: G
Word count: 438
Prompt: Loz gets a job.
A/N: Recycling an old joke. My apologies.

It was a rather dull day in shinentai town. )

Jan. 28th, 2010


Countdown: The Posting Instructions

Posting begins Monday, February 1st at 12:00 AM EST!

Are you ready to post? Are you ready to read? ^_^

Here are your handy dandy posting instructions:

All art and fic over 100 words must be behind cut tags to prevent flist flooding.  Any fic that includes explicit material (*cough*SEX!*cough*), character death, etc. must also be behind cut tags regardless of length to help those who don't want to get caught reading or viewing NSFW items. If your art includes icons, you may post a one teaser icon with the rest being behind a cut. Any other art: a thumbnail will be an acceptable teaser as long as it doesn't include any bits that are NSFW.

Please use the follow format when posting:

[Subject Line]: Title of Fic/Art, Fandom (Pairing)


Word count:


The cut for the fiction or work of art. All are, with the exception of a small worksafe preview, must be behind a cut.

Please post your work to the community for archiving purposes, not just a link to your IJ.

Please leave the tagging up to the mods unless you see a tag for your fandom and your name.

Recipients will remain anonymous unless they choose to out themselves.  ^_~

For those just here for the read:

Read and enjoy, but please be sure to drop a comment or two for all the hard work the authors put into their pieces.  It is always nice to know when someone enjoys your work, therefore cookies are always accepted!

Claiming will remain open:

Claiming will remain open for all dates that haven't yet come to pass for those who haven't had a chance to get in on the action (or those masochists that just want MOAR!).

Have fun!

Jan. 14th, 2010


Claiming is open!

Writers and Artists - Start your claiming!

To claim a prompt:

1. Copy and paste the prompts for which you want to write or create art into a comment to this post or either of the prompt posts. Please include the date and whether you are making a fic or art claim to help me promptly note your claim.

Example: February 28 – Devil May Cry, Nero/Dante: Longing – Where have you been?

2. Each prompt can be claimed a total of six times (three for fic and three for art).

3. You are welcome to claim your own prompts.

4. Collaborations are welcome.

Please be patient with me as I note your claims. Claiming will be on a first comment first noted basis which I will note as soon as possible.

Writers and artists – these prompts are supposed to be challenging and fun. Interpret the prompts as you will but please keep the main elements the requester submitted. All fiction must be at least 100 words. Art claims can be in the medium of the artist's choice - we will accept icons, wallpapers, fanvids, drawings, painting, etc.

Posting instructions will be available around January 28th, but please feel free to start brainstorming or writing/creating as soon as you have your prompt.

Begin claiming here:
February 1-15
February 16-28

Jan. 13th, 2010


Prompt Sneak Peek

Here is a prompt list sneak peek for all you writers/artists thinking about claims.

Please check the list over and let me know if you see any mistakes or if I have missed any prompts.

Do not make claims to the list at this time. Claiming will begin 12:00 AM EST Friday, January 15th and will run until January 31st. If you still have a prompt to submit, don't worry, we are still taking them until the 14th (8pm EST) right here!

And now, the lists:

February 1-15
February 16-28


Prompt List: February 16-28


Prompt List: February 1-15

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