February 1st, 2009

[info]stopthatgirl7 in [info]areyougame

The Griffin and the Chimera, Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core (Angeal/Genesis)

Title: The Griffin and the Chimera
Author: joudama
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Rating: worksafe
Warnings: None
Word Count: 870ish
Prompt: Angeal/Genesis: Wings – This was the first time he saw them.
Summary: One was divine, chosen of the gods; one was an abomination, made not by the hands of gods
A/N: ...for once, I don't actually have anything big and wordy to say. Wow. XD;; Actually, I thought of something: I am SO not an epic poet, and I'm sure any and all classicists out there weep for what I've done to mythology. I'm just following Squeenix's example, yo--shameless pillaging of imagery. ^^;;;

The Griffin and the Chimera. )

[info]ellnyx in [info]areyougame

mistaken, ffvii: dirge of cerebus (vincent/lucrecia)

Title: Mistaken
Author: logistika_nyx
Rating/Warnings: M, sex, introspection
Word count: 2381
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus, girl!Vincent/Lucretia: betrayal - Lucretia had just been using her to get at Hojo

Summary: "Vin decided long ago that scientists are all of a particular common mind: they are men who are haunted by the world. All science is a striving to eradicate old ghosts, with surgical precision.....the world is sick of the haunting of men on her surface, the vapour trails through the sky, the shadow of megastructures blinding the beasts. Rivers and seas dwindle; leaves and vines sigh; and Omega comes, balm and benediction, and the haunting of all the scientists can end."


...Vin is nothing like her father used to be. Their ends might align; their means, never. )


[info]icedark_elf in [info]areyougame

Bounce Times Two, Kingdom Hearts/Final Fantasy VII Crossover

Title: Bounce Times Two
Author: GW Katrina
Rating: PG
Warnings: Crossover
Word count: 300
Prompt: Crossover: Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts, Zack and Sora: kindred souls - “Oh god, the amount of sheer bouncy optimism”
Summary: Leon gets to meet one of Sora's new friends.
A/N: This isn't nearly as long as I wanted, but work has been...fun lately. Sorry about that.

For the people of Radiant Garden )

[info]icedark_elf in [info]areyougame

Fic: Mirrors (Kingdom Hearts, Kairi/Namine)

Title: Mirrors
Author: GW Katrina
Rating: R
Warnings: Naughty touches
Word count: 303
Prompt: Kingdom Hearts, Kairi/Namine: body paint - the cool touch of magic
Summary: Kairi does some experimenting.
A/N: This popped fully into my head when I re-read the prompt. Hope you enjoy.

When she looked into the mirror )

November 2010



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