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Site Move Status

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Site Move Status

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I just wanted to update you all and let you know where we are on the site move. We have moved the user databases over to the new servers, but we still have the master database to move. Also ALL userpics are now on the new servers.

Also tonight, I moved the webservers over to the new servers. Unfortunately this led to the side affect of being unable to read some of the cached style data for S1 users. Some of you probably noticed this with 500 Internal Server Errors. This has happened before when we moved webservers, but I was unable to track down exactly why it keeps happening.

The good thing is that I was able to fix the errors. The bad thing is some of your colors or overrides may be missing. I apologize for this, but there is no way to get them back. This is a very unfortunate side effect of moving to the new servers. Some of you who have been around since the initial migration (immediately after Strikethrough) may remember going through this before.

I believe that by moving the webservers and optimizing the databases that we have corrected a lot of the slowness issues with the site. The userpic situation should calm down too as the webservers are now in the same rack as the userpic servers and the site no longer has to fetch the userpics from across the internet.

There is still some work to be done to finish moving/optimizing the site, but we are getting close and hopefully we will be done over the weekend. There will be some downtime when we finally cut over the master database to the new servers, but that should be the last of the downtime.

Now I can actually cancel these old servers and we wont have to worry about the old hosting provider ever again. And just so all of you know, so far I am THRILLED with the new hosting.

On an unrelated note, you may notice my icon (if you are not reading this on the front page of the site). I am running for a seat on the LJ Advisory Board. I feel that the "LJ Clone" sites need a voice in the direction of the LJ code. And if I get on the board and am able to convince them to make some much needed changes, then we just may be able to go and pull updates from LJ once again.

If you want to support my candidacy, there is an asylum here [info]vote_squeaky and a sister community with the same name over at LJ.

If this doesn't work out though, I have some plans, and we will need programmers who believe in FOSS and the Free Software Movement to join us .. keep an eye out!
  • I will support you!
  • I just wanted to say thanks for keeping us so updated on all the changes. I came over from Greatest Jorunal when everything was going crazy and they wouldn't tell us anything. You rock.
  • Thanks for all the hard work, Squeaky! Everything has been working great for me tonight. It's good to see someone who tries to counter the errors instead of waiting for all the errors to overpower each other until the site eventually dies out. I can't wait to see the site after the move is complete, though I have no doubt that it will be a fantastic place to be, as it already is that.

    I've definitely supported you over on LJ, too.
  • Well, if the worst thing to happen is that my overrides are unrecoverable, I can handle that. No big to recode. Thanks Squeaky, for everything.
  • Thanks for all your hard work and the constant dialogue and information stream to/with the users. I hope the new host will make it less stressing for you to admin.

    Of course I want to support you. It was a sad day when LJ's code stopped being OS.

  • We love you, [info]squeaky! We'll back you all the way when it comes to the LJAB.
  • LJAB - user representative?

    I hear you on the importance of openness of LJ code - but do you really feel you would be the best user representative? I doubt very many LJ users are very concerned about the LJ code, and what clones are allowed/able to do with it.

    I am sorry to be negative, but I'd hate to see users strike out, because LJ users aren't your primary concern :o(
  • Does the move have anything to do with the fact that when I just tried to do some customization work and tried to save, I got this message:

    [Error: Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/ (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/Storable/ line 363, at /home/lj/cgi-bin/LJ/ line 1377 @]

  • AHAHA. I'm glad this post was here. I just looked at my journal and was like WTF happened to my color?

    Thanks for everything!
  • Squeaky, I'm getting icons that don't belong to me in my icons. :-/
  • thank you for keeping us filled in. great job :)
  • ij ate some of my icons...will i be able to get them back or do i need to re upload them?
  • Thank you for everything you're doing here for us, Squeaky. It's immensely appreciated. :)
  • Every time I upload a userpic, it acts as though it has uploaded, but then when I check it, it comes up broken/blank. I tried it several times, and even waited to be sure it wasn't just a glitch.
  • Getting this when I try to moderate [info]asylum_promo entries in the queue:

    [Error: Byte order is not compatible at ../../lib/ (autosplit into ../../lib/auto/Storable/ line 363, at '/home/lj/htdocs/asylum/moderate.bml' line 302 @]
  • Syndicated feeds not updating on IJ?

    Is anybody getting syndicated feed updates here? None on my list have gotten through on IJ for over a day and a half. That includes some highly active news sites, i.e., slashdot, boingboing, etc. I would expect to be seeing dozens of updates.

    My list:

    18: antiwar_rss, autismhub_rss, boingfeed, cmndrmsnews_rss, comdrmsvws_rss, crew_rss, darkchristianlj, macosxtips, mojoblog, notesanderrata, ozarque_lj, richarddawkins, scalzi_whatever, sinfestfeed, slashdot, talk2action_rss, wilwheaton, xkcd

    As far as IJ is concerned, all of these would appear to be dead silent. But checking the sites reveals that they are posting new content as usual.

  • Okay this is very odd to me. It has only happened on this account that I am aware or. But it is in regards to user pics.

    Either half of them are deleted which is not a big deal, i can reupload. But what is odd is that while some are still there, some are deleted there are at least a dozen that are not at all close to being mine. You can look here and see what I mean. Who does this keep happening? And they keep chaning. Last night I had like 5 that weren't mine now I have more. And when I say not mine, I don't mean I borrowed them either.

    case in point? the one keyworded cheese? um that is not vin at all.

  • I know you hear this all the time, but you actually are incredibly awesome. You always let us know exactly what's going on at all times, with a level of professionalism and support that I can't even dream of seeing elsewhere.

    I commented with support on your nomination over at lj, because I truly think you deserve the position. So good luck! :)
  • If this doesn't work out though, I have some plans, and we will need programmers who believe in FOSS and the Free Software Movement to join us .. keep an eye out!
    Well, as things look right now, I have some spare time. My day job is definitely underemployment, ATM. So if it comes about, keep me in mind. I honestly don't know how much I'll be able to contribute, but every bit helps, right?
  • Some of you probably noticed this with 500 Internal Server Errors.

    Got this today, as a matter of fact. I just gave it a few minutes and hit refresh. It seemed to correct itself.
  • I just lost a whole bunch of icons with whatever just happened. Ones I just uploaded last night. Do I need to reupload them, or are they coming back?
  • Curious, if an icon is missing should we just re-upload it now or is it swimming around somewhere on a server?
  • Thanks, Squeaky!
    I'm not sure if it has been fixed, and I'm going to check again soon but icons are uploading and then coming up as broken images.
  • I think that sounds really great. Will you be taking some of our ideas from the idea asylum as well? I still have yet to post over there about some things I've come up with. I don't know if they are plausible but I figure it's better to ask than not at all. Good luck with it! I'm sure we'll all be supporting you! :)
  • I think you would be awesome on the LJ advisory board, squeaky.

    Many of my userpics are missing--they're showing up as broken images. I have over 1200 userpics (obviously, I have the insane userpics), and I want to upload more, but first I want to figure out what happened to the ones of mine that seem to be gone. I thought that it was just the move to the new servers, but that seems to be complete now and there are still icons missing. Are they gone for good, and do I have to delete and re-upload them, or is there something else I should do?

    Thanks for everything you do, squeaky.
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