InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Status

InsaneJournal Announcements

Site Move Status

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I just wanted to update you all and let you know where we are on the site move. We have moved the user databases over to the new servers, but we still have the master database to move. Also ALL userpics are now on the new servers.

Also tonight, I moved the webservers over to the new servers. Unfortunately this led to the side affect of being unable to read some of the cached style data for S1 users. Some of you probably noticed this with 500 Internal Server Errors. This has happened before when we moved webservers, but I was unable to track down exactly why it keeps happening.

The good thing is that I was able to fix the errors. The bad thing is some of your colors or overrides may be missing. I apologize for this, but there is no way to get them back. This is a very unfortunate side effect of moving to the new servers. Some of you who have been around since the initial migration (immediately after Strikethrough) may remember going through this before.

I believe that by moving the webservers and optimizing the databases that we have corrected a lot of the slowness issues with the site. The userpic situation should calm down too as the webservers are now in the same rack as the userpic servers and the site no longer has to fetch the userpics from across the internet.

There is still some work to be done to finish moving/optimizing the site, but we are getting close and hopefully we will be done over the weekend. There will be some downtime when we finally cut over the master database to the new servers, but that should be the last of the downtime.

Now I can actually cancel these old servers and we wont have to worry about the old hosting provider ever again. And just so all of you know, so far I am THRILLED with the new hosting.

On an unrelated note, you may notice my icon (if you are not reading this on the front page of the site). I am running for a seat on the LJ Advisory Board. I feel that the "LJ Clone" sites need a voice in the direction of the LJ code. And if I get on the board and am able to convince them to make some much needed changes, then we just may be able to go and pull updates from LJ once again.

If you want to support my candidacy, there is an asylum here [info]vote_squeaky and a sister community with the same name over at LJ.

If this doesn't work out though, I have some plans, and we will need programmers who believe in FOSS and the Free Software Movement to join us .. keep an eye out!
  • Awesome! We need serious help over there--I really, really appreciate the cause. *goes to friend it on LJ too*

    And yay for the server move! Congrats!
  • Userpics

    I am still missing 4 userpics. I just now tried to upload one of them, and although it looked like it went, it's not there.

  • can't you at least warn us before something like this happens? i would have liked the chance to have saved my overrides. and the ones that are still there don't work with the site any more.
  • The popups I'm getting from the front page aren't normal, right?
    I keep getting one from
  • Can we get rid of the MacBook air ad that talks?
  • Some of my icons that I uploaded last night have disappeared; is there still something funky going on with userpics or do you think it was just a fluke?

    Also, to echo what everyone else has been saying, thank you for doing such a great job of letting us know what's been happening with the server move.
  • so when are icons going to stop disappearing?

    [info]valden and [info]hannarama keep losing icons.
  • I use semagic to update my journals here, and when I log in or try to post using it, I keep having it say Login: Challenge Expired. This has just started happening in the last couple of days, so I think it might be related to the move. The second time it usually goes though.
  • *wibble* my custom colours went bye bye D:
  • Just saw twitter, and wanted to ask if that has anything to do with some journals being in read only?
  • malcolm_tech is stuck in read only mode as well as this journal is that because of the almost DB move?
  • Hi Squeaky. I'm unable to log into several journals, including [info]mabelleoblivion and [info]ohshewrites. I use IJLogin, and when I try to log in with those journals (plus two or three more) it tells me "500 Internal Server Error". This began AFTER the last attempt to move the final database to the new server.

    Thank you for all you do!
  • Some of my RP journals can't even log in. They get a database not available error. The ones that can't log in are


    I haven't even tried my mod journal yet. Is there a reason I can't log into any of those journals?
  • 404 and 505 database unavailable errors on several journals


    I can access most of the site now after you rolled back on the most recent attempt to move the last database over, but keep getting errors on several journals and communities even with a hard refresh and cache clearance. Is there something else I should be doing to fix this?

  • Following the aborted attempt to move the last DB I'm unable to log into at least one of my journals ([info]venaurum) and one of my game's communities seems to be missing entirely ([info]ooc_all_my_xmen).
  • Things seem to be worse now than they were before you tried moving the database, Squeaky. Is there a chance of things being back to normal any time soon?
  • I'm having issues with logging into a few of my accounts, and I've talked to others who are having the same problems.
  • Whenever I try to leave a comment on a post (any journal or community) from my friends page, it says it's in read only mode. But if I go to the actual journal or community to comment, it allows me to.
  • I'm having trouble logging into a lot of my accounts.

    Any clue as to why or when it'll be fixed?
  • I'm not able to even get a display of [info]morningstar_mnr which is the primary place I spend my online time... (just so it was added to the list and not forgotten about)

    I entirely support you on LJ too! You're doing great things here!
  • I cannot login to any of my rp journals or my ooc journal for that matter. I had to create this new journal I am using right now just to be able to post this comment and give you the heads up. When I try to login it just keeps saying 'sorry database temporarily unavailable.'
  • i too can't log in, even though twitter says that the DB move stopped and the site was back up. :(
  • I'm also having trouble logging into several of my journals, including my CDJ and the mod journal for one of my RPGs. The error I'm getting is at the top of the screen saying "Sorry, database temporarily unavailable." Underneath the IJ banner, it simply says "Login" and has no other text.

    I noticed that this was tending to happen with a lot of journals that had been created before a certain point, though I'm able to log into my writing journal (this one), which was created before several of the journals I can't access, as well as into [info]littleladybeth, which was created on the same day as a handful of the journals I can't access. Two journals, which I created today, I'm having no trouble logging into.

    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this site!
  • I was under the impression that everything had already been moved at this point. Maybe I didn't read everything through very well.

    Anyway, I am, like others, unable to log into any of my journals, certain of them give me the 500 error as well, and they're in read only mode.

    Please, fix this?
  • i got this just now when replying to a comment:

    [Error: Database handle unavailable (user: alixandre; cluster: 3) at /home/lj/cgi-bin/LJ/ line 76 @]

    i'm sorry if someone else has mentioned it, but i can't view page two of the comments to this post because when i try, i get an internal server error
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