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January 16th, 2009

[info]mitsuhachi in [info]and_cupcakes

Mod Post <3

Hi, everybody! The comm has really taken off, and I'm kind of thrilled at how much sheer awesome we've got here. In the interests of being able to find recipes later, and also so we don't end up with four different ways of referring to the seventh final fantasy game, I've finally gotten the tags organized. :Db

I'd like the posts to contain three things: the course, the characters, and the fandom. Previous posts should be all tagged appropriately, but here's how I'm formatting it:

course: desserts
fandom: full name of fandom without abbreviations (ie. final fantasy xii instead of ff10)
character: full name of the character as I know it (ie. amane misa, argilla)

Setting it up with the tag-type, it should be pretty easy to scan the tags list and see whether the character, fandom, or course you want already has a tag, so please check. And as always, if you forget an element or to add tags altogether, I'll check in from time to time and add them in. <3

Thanks again, everyone, for all your awesome contributions to the community. Let's keep it going!

[info]mithrigil in [info]and_cupcakes

Hetalia: America and England cookies.


Hetalia Cookie Recipes Edition one: America and England

England’s Shortbread Biscuits

a little less than forty percent butter )

America’s Kitchen Sink Clusterfucks

as long as you've got four or five cups of STUFF )
