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11th Apr, 2009


Who: Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange
When: Saturday evening
Where: Lestrange Manor
What: Arguing
Rating: Likely violence and yelling
Status: In progress

the spark in your eyes belies the apocalypse inside you )


Owl Post

Owl to Albus Dumbledore )

10th Apr, 2009


WWN Broadcast - 10 April 1980

Your 10pm News Recap with Doris Crockford )


Who: Amelia Bones
Where: Blackpool, England
When: Early evening, Friday 10 April
What: Amelia finally does what she ran way to do: think. Written in narrative format.
Status: Complete!
Rating: PG, I guess?

Dreamlike though it all was, it reminded her that she was alive. )


RP Thread: Calypso & Edgar

Who: Calypso and Edgar Bones
When: 10 April, 1980; during the afternoon
Where: Their home!
What: It's pretty obvious Edgar is feeling frustrated and Calypso feels the need to fix it.
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress!

Nap time was the best time of the day. )

9th Apr, 2009


Who: Alice Longbottom and Regulus Black
When: April 8, 1980; Lunchtime
Where: Ministry of Magic, then the Leaky Cauldron
What: Making friends
Rating: PG (for now)

Lunchtime! )

6th Apr, 2009


Who: Nora Lovegood, Severus Snape
When: Monday, April 6, 1980; between five and six
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Strolling after work
Rating: PG (for now, at least)

Timing is everything... or not... )

5th Apr, 2009


Who: Fabian Prewett, Amelia Bones, Amycus Carrow & Alecto Carrow
When: 05 April, 1980; middle of the evening
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: A long-awaited fight
Rating: PG-13, likely.
Status: Threaded, in-progress

Today could not possibly be worse. )

4th Apr, 2009


Comment Thread (Incomplete!)

Who: Edgar and Amelia
When: 04 April 1980, afternoon
Where: The Bones family estate in Westbury
What: Edgar stops by on his mother's request to help draw Amelia out of her grief
Rating: PG, likely

Security hadn't just been tightened around the Ministry itself; Wilde's office had become a like a muggle military base with nothing missing except combat artillery and camouflage. )

2nd Apr, 2009


Log (Complete!)

Who: Lily and James
When: 02 April 1980, early evening
Where: Their home in Godric's Hollow
What: Stress, fighting, making a mess and then making up.
Rating: PG-13 for bad words

And there were about six of them, for Christ's sake. Why six? Why what feels like eight-hundred one piece sleepers? Why enough stuffed animals for us to set up a plushie petting zoo? )


Owl Post

Owl to Fabian Prewett )


Narrative (Complete!)

Who: Edgar Bones and little Evander
When: 02 April 1980, late afternoon
Where: Pureblood wizarding library, in public records
What: Father/son snooping time!
Rating: G-esque?

We can't be wizards in our pajamas? )

1st Apr, 2009


Calendar: April 1980

April 1980 Calendar & Reference Point )

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October 2009




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