May. 12th, 2016


Good Karma

Who: Harry Osborn
Where: Os-Corp
When: May 12, 2016
What: Harry is chasing down some good krama - and some good PR and starting to get the ball rolling for a charity event.
Rating: G

Read more... )

Apr. 28th, 2016


Social Media: Instagram

Character: Harry Osborn
NPC: Nope
Location: Instagram ~ The Internetz
Timeline: April 28, 2016
Description: Throwback Time

Picture! )

Apr. 8th, 2016



Character: Harry Osborn, Peter Parker Spider-Man
NPC: Paparazi-ish person
Location: New York
Timeline: April 8, 2016 – forward date to early evening
Description: Harry's getting hassled by some people, but hey Spider-Man is there and – well this is going to end well, right?
Rating: PG

in this moment everything was going right. )

Mar. 31st, 2016


Narrative: All Work and No Play

Characters: Harry Osborn
NPCs: OsCorp Staff (Harry's super efficient and long suffering PA)
Timeline: March 31, 2016
Description: There is no fun at OsCorp -- no fun do you hear me. Or Harry has to be responsible for a lot of things, and is starting to feel the strain.
Rating: PG (brief mention of past substance abuse and some foul language)

Harry started to feel like he understood why Norman had been such a cranky b****rd. )

Mar. 14th, 2016


Harry Osborn
Never sure if it's Monday Morning traffic or if things are jammed up because some sort of people in masks brawl. Either way – running late.#NYCTraffic
7:37 AM - 14 March 16

Feb. 17th, 2016



To: Pepper Potts
From: Harry Osborn
Date: February 17, 2016
Subj: Recent Events

You have one un-read email )

To: Pete
From: Harry
Date: February 17, 2016
Subj: Well . . .

You have one un-read emaill )