Age of Miracles

April 30th, 2008

Age of Miracles


April 30th, 2008

Thread: The Black Cat, Anole, Shatterstar, and Scorpion

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Who: Felicia Hardy, Victor Berkowski, Benjamin Russell, and Carmilla Black
When: April 29th, evening
Where: Felicia's loft, NYC
What: Felicia is supposed to be entertaining house guests. After she gets the couch off the ceiling, maybe that will happen. Both she and Carm will definitely need a drink afterwards.

At least we got the blender down )

Thread: Armor and Wolverine

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Who: Logan and Hisako Ichiki
When: April 30th, afternoon
Where: The woods, not too far from the school
What: Of course, the middle of nowhere is exactly where you'd expect to bump into your teacher.

Then she could go back to punching things through walls. )

Narrative: Kurt

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Who: Kurt Wagner
When: Between Tuesday, April 29, and Wednesday, April 30
Where: Lots of places, but most importantly Jean-Paul Beaubier's room (ooh, sounds dirty)
What: Kurt's been incapacitated for a while and he's feeling a mite mischievous. Sure, it's not freezing all the furniture to the ceiling, but it's a start.

Hell, it was late at night and Kurt had just eaten a lot of pudding and after a relatively recent session with Elvyran he was on some painkillers, so honestly he couldn't be held responsible for his actions. )

Thread: Mercury & Optic

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Who: Aubrey Ryan & Cessily Kincaid
When: Afternoon, Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Where: A small sandwich shop in Manhattan
What: At Cait's request, Aubrey has been somewhat secretly building an image inducer for a Brotherhood operative. It's finally ready, and he's come to take it to her. And I think she made him cookies to repay him.

He felt like a spy. Or a drug dealer. )
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