Age of Miracles

April 14th, 2008

Age of Miracles


April 14th, 2008

Thread: Strip Poker!

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Who: Aubrey Ryan, Logan, Remy Lebeau, Mark Gibson, Bobby Drake
When: Backdated to Saturday night!
Where: Third floor rec room, Xavier's School
What: So, the kids who wanted to play got to play for a little while, but they got kicked out because they're students and they're underage and the grownups want to drink. :P To save time and sanity, this is late in the evening after the remaining hardcore grownups have been playing poker and drinking for a WHILE... and it's less about playing more about... the other stuff. I'm setting this late in the night just because I think the best stuff would happen later in the evening instead of actually playing out the card game, so we're left with the five hardcore players ... and then if anyone else wants to stop in, they can :) Oh, did I mention they've resorted to strip poker?

Five-card stud? Try five-stud cards. )

Bulletin Board!

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Who: Anyone at the school!
Where: Academy Hall, Xavier's School
What: The mass bulletin board at the school -- please feel free to post whatever your character might want to put up there. Announcements, requests, anything..! You can write something, you can make a poster in photoshop, anything you want. :D


Hank was back at the school and therefore working overtime as usual. He needed work, he thrived on work, and today, work included taking his break time and going to the bulletin board in Academy Hall that posted all announcements. All of this world crisis and no one had thought to organize the board. It was wildly, disgustingly outdated, and Hank spent the next twenty minutes removing posters, cards, notes, and doodles from the cork.

When he was finished, there was a massive expanse of bulletin board that was largely bare apart from the class schedule, a notice about finals, and a little note about Peter and Mary Jane's wedding. In the corner was a neat little cluster of multicolored pushpins.

It was ready for fresh material, and Hank left it alone to be tampered with.

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