Age of Miracles

March 21st, 2008

Age of Miracles


March 21st, 2008

Artie & OTA

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Who: Artie & OTA
When: March 21, morning
Where: The Kitchen
What: Artie made a half-ass remark and people took to it so now it's egg paintin' time! (kind of like clobberin' time, but a lot less painful)

They could be messy. )

Thread: The Search for Kurt Wagner

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Who: Logan, Tommy Kerri, Aubrey Ryan, Paige Guthrie, Hisako Ichiki, Sofia Mantega, Julian Keller, and Kimberly Lincoln... and Kurt Wagner, eventually
When: Friday, March 21, 2008
Where: Seattle, Washington
What: Kurt Wagner is still missing, and Tommy's drawing of him implies that he's either dead or very, very injured. Cerebro (assuming that Betsy and/or Emma managed to use it) suggests he's not dead and provides a decent idea as to location (can Rory or Corri let me know if this might have happened? :D). So, Logan takes Tommy, Aubrey, and a group of the juniors out to Seattle in order to search for him.
Notes: Seattle is pretty much contained by now but there are still a) the occasional Brotherhood members, and b) police officers and civilians who are looking to harm mutants as revenge for Magneto's rule, and c) other police officers who don't want these unauthorized people wandering around the wreckage. So, NPCs for that purpose = always welcome. I'm trying to structure this mission so that each person's specific powers will need to be utilized... so hopefully we'll achieve that!

Logan wasn't sure when he'd gone from lone wanderer to the leader of a rescue squad. )
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