Age of Miracles

March 18th, 2008

Age of Miracles


March 18th, 2008

Thread: Pyro & Avalanche

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Who: John Allerdyce and Dominic Petros
When: Evening, Monday, March 17
Where: Dom's room (or just around it in the hallway), the Lair
What: John's none too happy with Dom and he's looking for someone to hit. So he's gonna hit someone.

Dom! Open the fuck up! )

Log: Scott and Charles

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Who; Scott Summers and Charles Xavier
When; Tuesday, March 18th, morning
Where; The hospital in Washington, DC
What; The first real moment we've seen after Scott's return and Magneto's defeat, in which they don't really talk about their problems. But that's okay.

None of us are immune to wanting to keep the people we once loved safe, even after we've lost them. )

Thread: Professor X, Wolverine, & Thor

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Who: Charles Xavier, Logan, and Donald Blake
When: Backdated to late Sunday night/early Monday morning, March 16/17, 2008
Where: An undamaged section of the White House, Washington D.C.
What: Charles has defeated Magneto, but he's been badly hurt in the process----oh, and his wheelchair was destroyed. A paraplegic without his wheelchair might be in need of some assistance.

He just knew he didn't have the strength to move any further. )

Thread: Homecoming? (Open)

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Who: Penance and ???
When: March 18th, evening
Where: Outside of the lair
What: So what if the world is on fire with war and rage and mutants and humans getting torn apart? That's not what Penance cares about. She's finally emerged from underground and, without paying attention to the stupid human media, made her way back to the lair.

Am I Frankenstein or the Monster? )

Thread: Armor, Bruiser, Wolfsbane (OT Speed)

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Who: Rahne, Molly, Hisako, Tommy
When: March 18th, evening
Where: The kitchen, Xavier's school
What: Cookies and buns and cakes, oh my!

There was nobody in the kitchen )
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