Age of Miracles

March 4th, 2008

Age of Miracles


March 4th, 2008

Narrative/Thread: Professor X, X-Men, Faculty, & Havok

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Who: Charles Xavier, X-Men, school faculty, and Alex Summers (and maybe a couple of the superhero NPCs who make it there)
When: Tuesday, March 4. 7:00 A.M.
Where: Xavier's office/classroom
What: Professor X has called a meeting to discuss what's happened to Scott and... it's not pretty.
Notes: You don't have to respond to this, this is largely a "you can just say you were there" thread----but if you have a character who wants to speak up, he/she definitely can.

Scott would be laying down his life in a second if it meant success in this venture. )


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This was left outside Arla's door with an old Christmas bow stuck to it. When she unfolded the hat, a small note card fell out that red:

If you ever want to play out in the snow with me, this may come in handy. I'm working on a scarf, too. ~Artie

Log: Sage and Vertigo

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Who: Tessa Niles and Valerie Reed
When: Tuesday, March 4
Where: Sage’s office
What: Vertigo wants her cyber-hand to have lasers. Sage is like ‘uh, fuck no, I’m not giving you lasers’. And then they make out.

I want lasers. )
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