Age of Miracles

March 3rd, 2008

Age of Miracles


March 3rd, 2008

Thread: Speed and Wind Dancer & OPEN

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who: Tommy Shepard and Sofia Montega (OPEN to anyone who might hear screaming girl in the dorms)
when: March 2, afternoon
where: the school, girl's wing
what: Tommy wants to talk to Julian, because he needs some advice and their bros like that. So, in typical boy obliviousness, he goes looking for him in Sofia's room. This is not a good plan. Hell hath no fury like a mutant woman trying to change.

Stupid girls not making any sense and being confusing. )

Thread: Beast & Cecilia

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Who: Hank McCoy and Cecilia Reyes
When: Backdated to Saturday, March 1
Where: Basement kitchen, Xavier's School
What: Cecilia's put on a fresh pot of coffee and Hank is in need of some advice.

Cecilia, you're a smart, capable, independent woman, aren't you? )

Thread: Ren & Remedy

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Who: Sarena Alexander and Elvyran Adelaide
When: March 3rd evening
Where: Library, Xavier Institute
What: Ren's not so good with homework. Ran is going to help with that.

It was the addition of letters that made it indecipherable )

Log: Mystique and Professor Xavier

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Who; Raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier
When; March 3rd, evening
Where; Charles' office
What; Mystique calls the Professor to inform him to back off -- or she'll kill Scott. Charles eventually decides to ... well, you'll see.

Mystique was serious and Charles knew it----and it came down to going forward with his plans and sacrificing the man who was practically his son... or saving his life and sacrificing their one chance to save the nation from Magneto's chaotic and unstable rule. )
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