Age of Miracles

February 29th, 2008

Age of Miracles


February 29th, 2008

Thread: Pyro, Rogue, & Cyclops

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Who: St. John Allerdyce, Marie Allerdyce, and Scott Summers
When: Evening, Friday, February 29, 2008
Where: A remote Friends of Humanity base where Scott Summers is now being held.
What: So, Scott's been captured by the Friends of Humanity. (O rly? Rly.) Mystique knows where he is through her mad hacker skillz, I'm sure, and she's sent the gruesome twosome of Pyro and Rogue to go out after him. I'm trying to come up with a better phrase than "gruesome twosome" but I... no, I can't come up with anything. I'm exhausted and very unclever right now.

What, did they chain the guy to a wall and then go out for doughnuts? )

thread; bruiser & postman

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Who: Molly Hayes & David de Souza
When: Around 5 PM
Where: David's Office @ Mansion
What: Molly's failing English because she's been ditching, so David tries to figure out why.
The thing that came naturally to her surfaced; running away. )
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