Age of Miracles

January 27th, 2008

Age of Miracles


January 27th, 2008

Narrative: Professor X and Magneto

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Who: Charles Xavier and Eric Lehnsherr
When: Backdated to Saturday evening, January 26
Where: Magneto's office (and Xavier's office on the other end)
What: Eric makes a rather important telephone call. Charles has some explaining to do.

He never should have been so arrogant as to exaggerate the morality of Charles Xavier. )


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Who: Nathaniel Essex
Where: His home.
When: Early morning Jan 27th
What: Plot point for Attack of the Clones
Notes: This can effect different characters at different rates, so they might not all go mad on this particular day, but it shouldn't take too long even for those hidden in the Lair.

The effects were going to be noticeable. )

The end truly begins

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Who: NPCS Carol Danvers, Harpoon, and Riptide OT The School
When: Mid-morning Jan 27th
Where: The Institute
What: The clones come to finish their unfinished business with certain people.

So the end truly begins )

Thread: Magneto and Remora

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Who: Eric 'Magneto' Lensherr and McKenzie 'Remora' Fitzroy.
When: Afternoon, Sunday January 27th, 2008.
Where: The White House, Washington D.C.
What: Remora has been busy doing all sorts of work for Magneto, and has recently not been doing as well. Everyone knows that Eric probably has a washing list of things for a telepath to do, once he got one, so Kenzie's been running himself into the ground doing them. Russell made him sleep, which messed up the plans a bit -- and now Remora has to explain himself.

Remora didn't feel very well... )

Thread: Wicked and Avalanche

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Who: Gwen Adamson and Dominic Pedros
When: January 27th, afternoon
Where: the Lair
What: [This should have been up a while ago, but I am slow.] Dominic pokes his head in to see Gwen. We'll see where it goes from there.

So they'd won the revolution. . and it was boring. )
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