March 10th, 2011

[info]laughingwith in [info]admelioraooc

plot plot plotsss


Hey guys! Since we've given the news on Powers to the public about two-three months ago now, I figured we should take a few steps back and see how the outside world is dealing with it.

So far people seem to be fairly split on how they taking it, but there are several branches people seem to fall into:

Hero Worship

People are actively believing that Powered people are here to save the world. They put up Facebook pages to celebrate their favourites, argue over message boards and place their local Powered people on pedestals. Some people with Powers actually believe the hype about themselves and there are a couple like Zafer and Hana who dress up like superheroes and try to save people/fight crime. More than a few believe AM to be some kind of Justice League.

Doom Merchants

These people think that the development of Powers is part of a prophecy foretelling the destruction of man kind (it is 2012). A few fundamentalist Christians believe those with Powers to be yet another form of The Beast and warn against falsely worshiping them. Sandwich boards, nuclear bunkers and stocking up for the apocalypse are all common among these people.


Not quite as adoring as the people who actively hero worship those with Powers, these people view them as a positive thing nonetheless. Viewing those with Powers to have an advantage they may attempt to befriend or have children with them to reap the benefits. They may work out the stresses of being Powered and set up support groups or after school activities. Some universities even have started societies for their Powered students to meet and greet each other. They're supportive of political equality though some have the problem of not viewing those with Powers as whole people aside from the Powers.


These people honestly don't view people with Powers as humans. In the political sphere they're working to take away their rights as humans. In the media, they're working to stereotype them as dangerous, untested and unwilling to reveal themselves, thus an invisible threat. There are calls for people to be registered and for scientists to find some way to inoculate people against developing Powers. There is rising political pressure for AM to be made completely transparent, for people to be able to see inside its inner workings. Naturally, AF are all over this.

This is stuff people will be seeing on the news, stuff that people on the street will be saying, actual people who may be visiting Victory. I figured you might be able to get some player plots out of it! And if you want me to open NPCs for some of these people then I will. :|b

[info]byknight in [info]admelioraooc

plots plots plotsss pt 2

in light of the previous post and the media attention/public attention.

what kind of character arcs, if any, do you have in mind? do you have any wider reaching things you'd like to see happen? global plots?