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Apr. 20th, 2011



Tag in, listing your ideas for how they got on afterwards or just...figure it out with others! yes.


So this is a mercy kill.

Thank you very much for participating! Capesize was the first decent-sized game I ran but AM was the first time I came up with a world all by myself. Thank you for populating that world. I might not have enjoyed every minute, but I made a lot of great memories here and I think this game really helped my skill as a writer and an RPer grow.

I'm going to end the game here because I don't see it getting any more activity, but if you want to continue character storylines/CR, there's always House of Left, but you guys knew that.

I wanted to be cruel and say the lightning was part of a deeper rift in the world which slammed both Earth 1 and Earth 2 together (ala Fringe) but I liked this universe too much to just kill everyone off like that. Instead I'll say that after a month of crazy weather it abated enough that anyone who could get out was evacuated. The Victory branch of AM was disbanded and a more honest approach to Powered people was adopted. The Knights were allowed to lead their own lives and work on their own way of getting back home. Great steps have been taken in regards to Powered Rights. Everything is beautiful and nothing hurts I guess.

Thanks again, and I'll be putting up an epilogue post so people can figure out what happened to their characters with others.

Thanks again, I ♥ you all.

Apr. 18th, 2011


This just went out as a general notice/statement to AM staff:

"We have become increasingly aware that those of you without Powers in contact with those who have them may have developed mutagens of your own.

This will not affect your health. However, the mutagens are located on the genes thought to contribute to the development of powers in the womb.

If you want to be tested for this mutagen, please feel free to make an appointment with Dr. Lezard."

So who'll be making appointments?

Apr. 15th, 2011




Start packing your rubber boots and rain jackets, it's only going to get worse from here. :)

Apr. 6th, 2011


something terrible for your consideration

So! In May everyone will be thrown together and forced to live in close quarters. With that in mind I figured I'd put up a post for shit stirring and drama. This is an optional post but basically mention the worst thing your character could do or that could be revealed about your character and we'll work towards it during April so in May there'll be plenty to fume about.

ps and i am serious with this ps: please volunteer a character to blow up the am building so there's no alternative but the old af center. 8)

Mar. 27th, 2011


Opt-in, opt-out

This is a post for you to opt in or out of the "recessive gene" plot. If you don't feel as though your character has been exposed to enough Power mutagens or you just don't want them to carry the gene, feel free to opt-out here.

Mar. 25th, 2011


Schedule for Siege Plot (I work with Michael Bay!logic I am sorry)

But this is open for improvement anyway.

April 14th: Giant balls of lightning and cloud begin to form around the hole in the sky aka directly over Victory.

April 17th: Over the past three days things have been looking ominous. Around this time (15th-16th?), someone in Riley's hospital is going to be tested but found to have strange additions to their genes - after testing a few volunteers, it's going to be suggested that a good deal of people (if not all - you can opt out, if you want!) working for Ad Meliora are carrying some sort of gene, developed from working there and being exposed to something that might normally cause Powers/Powered people. HEY LISSA I'M MIXING IN THE "POWERS AS A RECESSIVE GENE" PLOT! Feel free to shoot me, um. After this announcement, with no idea of what the gene does and what caused it and with the storm above Victory growing, the US government is going to set up a roadblock stopping people from entering within a mile of the town. People can't leave either. Control of the town is secretly handed over to AM.

April 24th: It looks more and more like things are going to blow in the sky and people caught on the ground will be in danger. With not enough space for the entire town in the AM building, the staff are asked by UN heads to search for better suiting places. Here it would be cool if someone from the Knights stepped up and mentioned the old AF facility buuut if nobody is willing to do it I can idk get Daffy drunk and have him drunk-dial Diana. Maybe that should happen anyway.

Around April 28th: The evacuation begins. Hopefully people with vans can help drive other people's stuff up to the old AF building. The supermarket and the 7-eleven are probably both going to get cleaned out.

May 1: EXTREME WEATHERRRR and death to anyone caught outside due to a mix of epic hail, sleet, blizzard, lightning, acid rain, etc. Obviously, not all at the same time. They'll mix it up.


Mar. 18th, 2011



This is one I came up with just now, so you know it's good.

1. tag in.
2. tag other characters with the question "what's the best of ____" and fill in the blank with whatever you like! So "what's the best part of being a jerk" or "what's the best part of being a Knight" (the two go hand in hand imo).
3. Start conversation?



I have decided to launch the siege plot May 1st. Is that okay with everyone?

Mar. 13th, 2011


Guys, I'm really sorry about being such a fail!mod over the past few weeks but I'm going to try and devote more time to the game in future.


From what I can see, quite a few characters are going without cr or with very little cr. So I figured I'd post a cr meme to go with the plot memes below!

Fill out the following form for your characters, then comment to other characters and let's see if we can't get a circle of at least 3-5 friends/rivals per character. o7

<b>Anything notable going on with said character?:</b>
<b>DO WANT:</b>
<b>ALSO OPEN TO:</b>
<b>Hobbies or common hang outs:</b>

Mar. 12th, 2011


/steals lissa's ideas

hey dudes!

re: a siege plot (as mentioned here)--

I am working on the logistics of this but

a) would anyone be interested other than the ones who've said they are already
and b) if you are interested, do you have an idea of what might cause the siege? my brain says "acid rain" or "local flora and fuana going batshit due to skyhole". what do you guys think?

Mar. 11th, 2011


[meme] fst

i haven't posted a meme in forever and i feel like sharing some music!

tag in with your castlist then go around posting songs that remind you of characters (yours or other muns'), specific cr, organizations, plots, what have you! explanations aren't required, but they always help.

Mar. 10th, 2011


plots plots plotsss pt 2

in light of the previous post and the media attention/public attention.

what kind of character arcs, if any, do you have in mind? do you have any wider reaching things you'd like to see happen? global plots?


plot plot plotsss


Hey guys! Since we've given the news on Powers to the public about two-three months ago now, I figured we should take a few steps back and see how the outside world is dealing with it.

So far people seem to be fairly split on how they taking it, but there are several branches people seem to fall into:

Hero Worship

People are actively believing that Powered people are here to save the world. They put up Facebook pages to celebrate their favourites, argue over message boards and place their local Powered people on pedestals. Some people with Powers actually believe the hype about themselves and there are a couple like Zafer and Hana who dress up like superheroes and try to save people/fight crime. More than a few believe AM to be some kind of Justice League.

Doom Merchants

These people think that the development of Powers is part of a prophecy foretelling the destruction of man kind (it is 2012). A few fundamentalist Christians believe those with Powers to be yet another form of The Beast and warn against falsely worshiping them. Sandwich boards, nuclear bunkers and stocking up for the apocalypse are all common among these people.


Not quite as adoring as the people who actively hero worship those with Powers, these people view them as a positive thing nonetheless. Viewing those with Powers to have an advantage they may attempt to befriend or have children with them to reap the benefits. They may work out the stresses of being Powered and set up support groups or after school activities. Some universities even have started societies for their Powered students to meet and greet each other. They're supportive of political equality though some have the problem of not viewing those with Powers as whole people aside from the Powers.


These people honestly don't view people with Powers as humans. In the political sphere they're working to take away their rights as humans. In the media, they're working to stereotype them as dangerous, untested and unwilling to reveal themselves, thus an invisible threat. There are calls for people to be registered and for scientists to find some way to inoculate people against developing Powers. There is rising political pressure for AM to be made completely transparent, for people to be able to see inside its inner workings. Naturally, AF are all over this.

This is stuff people will be seeing on the news, stuff that people on the street will be saying, actual people who may be visiting Victory. I figured you might be able to get some player plots out of it! And if you want me to open NPCs for some of these people then I will. :|b

Mar. 6th, 2011


1. Tag in

2. Comment to others IC, explaining what your character believes that character thinks of them.

Mar. 4th, 2011



let's say that world 3 has started. I'll put up some posts for it now and um drink coffee so I am actually awake when the rest of you are tonight. :D;;;

Feb. 28th, 2011


Hey guys!

re: world 3.

I was thinking that the dimension traveler should be a prototype from AF. And I was thinking that the reason people have access to it is via a short-notice raid on an AF building. This will give both members from AF and members from AM (maybe a Knight?) a chance to get close to it/set it off, end up in W3.

If you'd like to sign up a character to get transported over (there will be two characters, both slots are open) sign up in the comments here please!

apps go here for those of you who still haven't apped a W3 person! Hurry hurry.

Feb. 24th, 2011



you guyssss my spring break is sooooooon. well in like a month exactly (march 25 also known as a day after my birthday EXCELLENT PRESENT UNNIVERSE TY) but serious that's close enough ok.

what will you dudes be up to then? i kinda saw s/t about an event with an even different earth? wats (will be) goin on? WILL YOU HAVE SPACE FOR BACON IN YOUR LIFE?

or sparklemotion?

Feb. 23rd, 2011



List your characters and things that are going on with them, like a super quick state of the union. Others can then tag yours with characters they can use to exacerbate or help solve situations going on in their lives. THREADS ARE BEGUN.

Feb. 21st, 2011


AF missions

Only one this week.

1. Bake-off

A new hallucinogenic drug is making the rounds on the streets of Dublin. There's a 70% chance all the reports of people developing strange and amazing abilities is related to the "hallucinogenic" part, but check it out anyway. We've heard the AM guys may be sending someone down to check this out. Feel free to sabotage them.

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