January 7th, 2011

[info]forgetyourfear in [info]admelioraooc

cr -> marco polo

hey guys look look i apped marco!

he is from earth 2 and got catapulted into earth 1 as punishment alongside some of those knights - the second batch, not the original flavour. he was in am when he was kidnapped and pretty much tortured by af and now wants nothing to do with either of them.

he is very nervous and scared and spends his time trying to avoid talking to people - especially if they seem suspicious enough to be members of af. u suk af.

those who aren't, he's a sweet guy and nothing like the other guy like him who was here before but moved back to cali. all he wants is to be normal. :'(

ps app his knight bros.

[info]forgetyourfear in [info]admelioraooc

dudes, plot stuff!

imma have the media storm start tonight at some point. We're saying there's been a breach -a reporter has seen someone use their powers and found a former staff member at AM who is currently dying of a terminal illness and spilled the beans about this secret organisation. Wake up tomorrow to a flood of cameras and enjoy it, Victory!

Also, we're going to start up with the missions; every fortnight, one set for AF one for AM. You can also run your own, and I'll take suggestions too - if someone would like to take over running jobs for the network that would also be swell, but I imagine that because there's so much autonomy in that organisation, there'd be far fewer of the "go here, do this" type thing that AM and AF do. I'd like to stress that job ideas and missions from players are very, very welcome so please don't hesitate to pitch in ideas.

[info]forgetyourfear in [info]admelioraooc


1. tag in with your characters (separately or whatever, i don't care o/) and tell us if they have any special habits or things that they do off-screen.
2. If you think that your characters would know each other/hang out (even if they've. never threaded in game) then comment to them and work out what they might do together.

from last time

[info]definelie in [info]admelioraooc

CR - (Cullen) Conrad Haywood

To go with a Michelle is Cullen Conrad, her (adopted) younger brother and fellow AF member. He is a part-time journalism student at the nearby college, interns at the newly opened World Weekly News office (he keeps an eye on the batshit things that get reported and would be of interest to AF), and writes the lame museum newsletters. He makes them as interesting as he can, and people who actually know shit about the topics will quickly learn that he is not above screwing with the truth.

He is as friendly as his sister (as in he isn't) and just as happy to be working with AF (he isn't). He may be more subtle about his dislike of you and a touch more willing to stand there and listen to you spout retarded things, but it is only because he likes to research and Humanity is Retarded is going to be his masterpiece one day.

His name is Conrad; call him Cullen and you can expect absolutely no mercy. He kills you with sparkles

[info]spacebat in [info]admelioraooc


i should have posted something earlier, but i was being dumb and optimistic. long story short, i have bronchitis and will probably be too sick/loopy to reply to anything in game for at least another 3-4 days.

also holy shit i've never seen so many apps go up so quickly that weren't all written by me orz