September 6th, 2010

[info]wishyourgfwas in [info]admelioraooc

CI >> worst teenage girl EVER

You all can blame Ginga for suggesting this because I wasn't planning on recycling Bird.

But this is Belle Jin, here to up Victory's bitch population! She is another character you can meet on the great Outward Bound expedition event! Her actual full name is Mingxia Jin, and the name her parents gave her for Western use is Mirabelle, but she hates it because it's so old-fashioned, so you can call her Belle. Only Belle or she won't answer you unless you're her parents or her crush of the week. If you're her crush of the week, you can call her ~*~whatever you want~*~.

Belle is a horrible, wretched thing of a teenage girl. She is selfish, flighty, and all about having fun! This is the girl Pearle should hate with all her heart because Belle's had a pretty easy life and has had most things handed to her on a silver platter with super rich parents who buy her everything she wants and buy her way out of trouble by donating tons of money to her school. She's very pretty and knows it, too, and uses it to her advantage. She is ruthless and manipulative and pretty much manipulated herself into being queen bitch bee of her school. She also has (had) friends and lackeys that she picks up and drops all the time.

She believes she is better than all of you, and she hopes you believe it, too. She doesn't care about what you want or what you think is cool or right, only what she does, and you better realize that's what matters most, too. For instance, she will go from acting like head cheerleader one week to acting and dressing like and dating a nerd to show you just how little influence you have on her and how much she has on you.

Though, she got sent out to Outward Bound for some life lessons as her parents are finally trying not to be blind and excusing all her playing around since it's getting close to college app time. They always used to say she was just acting out and that she'd grow past this stage when it came time to, but... that didn't look very likely, so they finally decided to put their foot down a little. Not too much since she was still their baby.

It still made for a very hateful birthday present, and Belle has made it abundantly clear that she wants to be anywhere but there. And she feels very justified now that there are crazy wild animals after all of them. >[

Good news about this version of Bird is that since her fire power is so new, she's not as quick to threaten with it! She's not even sure she likes or wants this fire power yet. She also won't be able to threaten with violence since she has no mad martial arts skills. :( Bad news is her control is obviously much worse. I feel so sorry for her doctors. >__> And Mateo and Rhea because guess who her first crush(es) will probably be? :DDD If she doesn't get threatened to be coma'd sometime, I'll be surprised. She's also probably more vicious in a teenager way to make up for her nonviolence (though, she may scratch someone with her nails).

Belle will be full of rage and vengeance at first, but she'll probably change her tune once she realizes she's stuck and once she realizes Victory is full of a crazy amount of good-looking people. >_>

Pearle and Daffy can earn some points by volunteering to be her babysitter damage control when her power goes haywire. :) Diana is going to hate Belle. :)

[info]ex_prosperou998 in [info]admelioraooc

ci :: harry felix


This is Felix.

Felix mostly goes by his last name, but you may also know him as Henry. You may have seen him driving to work or doing some paperwork or surfing the web in a Starbucks. Felix is a CPA who handles a couple of small businesses in the city. He likes Victory because it's quiet, blah blah, property values, etc.

Well. That and he's a Network operative. Choice few people are privy to this information, of course.

Felix is like the combination of lovechild of this man and this man and this man if someone chose to remove ALL OF THEIR POSITIVE QUALITIES.

In other words, he is a cocky, womanizing trollbitch with a mnemonic memory.

He is a douche. He really is. His attitude occasionally borders on sociopathic. He has never loved anything in his life except maybe money and power, and even those two are debatable. He is also very, very good at obfuscating ignorance/stupidity/foulness. He loves a good time and sometimes comes off as...well, a jerk. ...Even if you know him from around town and not his Real profession, he's not a likable guy. He sort of prides himself on his ability to get shit done without sucking up to people, but he is a very, very good actor in many ways.

Here is another fun fact about Felix: he has a few decoy internet presences.

Meet Melody! Melody is a cheerleader. She has parents who don't understand and a boyfriend seven states away and a dummy IP/host address.

Whether Felix will actually be using this fake 16 year-old to gather information or if he just likes pretending to be a woman on the internet is still up in the air.

...Uhhhh I think that is it!! Though if anyone would like to be information buddies I am open to suggestions.