August 27th, 2010

[info]soudesu in [info]admelioraooc

CI> Soujirou

You see this GQMF? This is your Head of Human Resources, AM. This man right here negotiates relentlessly with the UN over your paycheck with stone cold facts.

Father of three, ex-husband to an agent, this guy right here is the reason any of the newer recruits are here. He juggles this full time job with raising his kids on joint custody. He is the Patron Saint of AM Headhunters. Okay I lie there, but he can certainly pick out the really good stalkers. He is also annoyingly good at paintball for a man whose day job involves sitting behind a desk.

This is Soujirou Nishimoto. He's pretty level headed and :| about most things, but is fiercely protective of his family. Also he is rich. Filthy rich. Blame his investment ventures early on in his adult life.

And yes, he really does own his own airline. It has an excellent profit turnover and helps pay in advance for the kids' college careers. Among other benefits.

But go read his profile page if you want more info. Or if you want to torture yourself, there's his previous incarnation to traipse through.

[info]agenthbic in [info]admelioraooc


WHERE YOU AT. This is pertinent to you. Also, so because I know if this is cool with you guys or not.

Here are Diana's plans for you, as Green hinted in the second event post.

What she wants is to test all the KT individually to see the full extent of their abilities and skills - field skills, special skills, etc.

I keep imagining something like the danger room in X-Men, but idk if AM actually has something like that. Can we have a danger room, please, Green? :< AM DOES HAVE ONE, Green says. :DDDDD

In any case, during these tests, she will have a few people watching at all times, ready to tranq you should any one make the wrong step!

Diana would ask Medical and Lab for help with examining Pearle since uh, it is not kosher to put anyone for testing to get paralyzed like so. She'd also ask HR in help with examining/placement of the KT. Oh, she'd ask the Templars to cough up any of their technology, too, so IT and R&D can be called in to examine that, too. did i leave a department out

After Diana and HR and probably the other departments knows their skills, there will be discussion, and then Diana will probably field test the KT. Always separately for a while. She doesn't trust to have any of the KT on the same team yet even if she can see that the KTs teamwork leaves something to be desired thanks to Rhea.

Also, even after the KTs get placed wherever, she wants agents to always keep an on them. Always. Especially whoever is living with them.

OH idk if the other Heads would be cool with this, but eight or so people suddenly not going to work would be kind of fishy in a small town like Victory, but she'd let them go under supervision. Or call in sick. Whichever.

Let me know if you have any objections or questions. o/

Oh, I also have another question that I'd like to ask regarding the KTs. What technology should the KTs have brought over? I've had Emma say at least super advanced scanner systems, but :|a I don't know what else would be plausible or feasible. It's something to get something of a consensus on, I think.

[info]savantisms in [info]admelioraooc


Hey guys!

Anyone who wants to get their character powered, there'll be an event for it coming up on the first of September.

Basically, what will happen is that a weird plant is going to be sprouting in the forest outside Victory. It'll bloom for about five days, then wilt. During this time, the pollen should float down and people who breathe it in will find themselves gaining powers.