August 21st, 2010

[info]crazymaking in [info]admelioraooc

ci >> mycrella flowers

hello victory!!

this is your friendly ruby's waitress, mycrella flowers. please excuse her if she cries into your mac and cheese or accidentally flings your cheeseburger into a wall, she's just sensitive! she really does try to be a dear, though. be kind, tip well.

when she is not wiping up izzy and mike's drool, she is also part of AF. her power is shadow bending, and in addition to making the best shadow puppets OF ALL TIME, she can lurk and listen in any area large enough to fit her and you that casts a shadow.

her powers are drug induced, and the only reason she got mixed up with AF in the first place was because her sister burst into flames! any talk of family or asking about her past is liable to be enough to set her off. then again, so is the wind blowing.

be her friend! she is in desperate need of them.