August 2nd, 2010

[info]savantisms in [info]admelioraooc

Okay, so the mission is a go!

I figure the eggs got brought in a couple days ago to chill in the labs and the Agents are gon get sent over to Kansas to check it out tomorrow, or thereabouts. I will attempt to get a post up for then anyway!

[info]gingaaa in [info]admelioraooc

for the templars

This is half meme, half information gathering!

If your character has an alternate version on Earth2, who are they? Same person or totally different? Do they have the same job? Same aspirations? Do they work for a different faction? Are they - dun dun dun - dead? Married? Powered? Normal? And, most importantly, would the Templars know them?

Inquiring minds must know!