July 20th, 2010

[info]alkahest in [info]admelioraooc

ci :: ines hirsch

So this girl has been all up in the ooc since day one (you may have seen her getting into verbal pissing contests with Jim from The Office I dunno man we've been pretty subtle about their interactions so far) and I'm not sure how much more of an intro she needs, but what the hell.

This is Ines. Everyone say hello and shake hands. Ines works in HR doing outbound liason type stuff and the like and probably makes a great fake bank teller. She likes beach-reads and hiking and cooking, so her life outside of work (she does have one) is fairly single-serving. sob she needs townie friends She used to help out at a women's shelter in the city every so often, as well, and probably has at least a couple of Amnesty International fridge magnets.

Her prior ooc interactions are mostly true to form! She is on the phone all the time, she's kind of a dork, and she has a very sarcastic nature. She has trouble letting loose and/or enjoying herself and can be kind of a workaholic. However, I have to say that I cranked her bitchface up to 11 in these pregame things and that is probably not true to form. She has a bitchface, yes, and it's a terrible one, but on the average she tries to be very cordial and polite and professional. She likes her job and is actually kind of good at it so she pretty much focuses on that. ...Definitely has a grumpyface, too, though.

Her tolerance for stupidity is like a twelve year-old's tolerance for alcohol (...so is her tolerance for alcohol, actually), but unless you're consistently rude or careless, she's probably plenty nice to you. She HAS been on a short(er) fuse for the past month or two, so it's probably like watching a very entertaining episode of reality television when the family finally gets fed up with the cameras and starts going into the bathroom to have every private conversation.


Everything here basically still stands.

[info]corrigendum in [info]admelioraooc

CI // Diya Morgan

Diya is a recent addition to Ad Meliora. He and his ~partner~ Arthur Innes joined the agency together only a few months ago. Diya developed his power - melanokinesis, the ability to manipulate ink - from the side effects of a street drug, and he's relieved to finally find an organization that can help him control it.

Except... that's all totally bullshit. :D)-/ Diya and Arthur are both working for Ad Finitum. While it's true that Diya has a power, it was developed through lab testing, not natural random occurrence. He also despises Arthur, but pretending to be partners was the best chance AF had for the two of them to get into the organization together. They keep up the front in public, but in private there's a definite line drawn in the sand.

As far as assisting HR goes, Diya's not entirely useless. His ability makes him indispensable for forging any documents AM needs - passports, visas, drivers' licenses, birth certificates. If it's ink-based, he can manipulate it. He's charming, convincing, and social enough to do well at any task the HR department gives him, but he's not established (and certainly not responsible) enough to play with the big guns. He doesn't pry or try to push himself into important jobs; his goal for AF isn't to steal or spy, but simply to see how people react to him, and what they've discovered about others with powers.

Diya himself can be a bit polarizing. He's very temperamental and operates entirely on whatever he feels like doing at any given moment. Trying to make him do something he doesn't feel like doing is like pulling teeth. But, to anyone who likes socializing, drinking (and especially both at once!) he's the best companion you'll find. It's not a big secret that he spends most of his time outside the office getting blitzed. Whatever he does, he does it excessively.

Also, possibly the biggest contributor to promoting his cover with Arthur is the fact that he owns about twelve pairs of designer shoes and is unashamed about it. Bitch is fancy.

1. Works for Ad Finitum :D)-/
2. Had a world-class education, but you'd never know it by talking to him.
3. This is probably more a WKF, but if you slight Diya you might find certain alterations to your personal belongings. He might change all the bills in your wallet to ones, or that book you were reading into French. Letting him around business cards is especially dangerous.
4. Is extremely dependent on the pills AF gives him. They've told him they're "the same" as the pills AM hands out, when in fact they've added a few things - namely, they made them addictive.
5. Studied Theatre in college.
6. Related to the above, has an excellent memory for lines. This does include quoting things you've said back at you in an argument. Yes, it's annoying.

[info]pathetikos in [info]admelioraooc

ci -> matheus lira

OH NO IT'S MATHEUS HIDE YOUR KNIVES (and your scientists)

HE COOKS IN THE AM CAFETERIA. SOMETIMES HIS FIVE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS WITH HIM, SOMETIMES NOT. He is very overprotective of his wimmins (his girlfriend Nath and his baby girl Cora). He starts arguments with anything that moves but makes up after. HE IS FILLED WITH EMOTIONS. Not all are negative. Sometimes he will run up and jump in your arms because he missed you even though the last time he saw you he called you a bad word.



1. head chef in the AM cafeteria but eats at ruby's (you think he's cooking at home after cooking all day at work? yoou are away with the fairies)
2. psychic daughter
3. rptes loke tgis (types like this) and has man crushes on putin, chuck norris and half the a-team
4. speaks english, portuguese, french and spanish, but despite this is very, very stupid
5. has the most amazing girlfriend ever
6. occasionally grumpy, occasionally clumsy, 100% bad luck
7. but emotionally intelligent so there's that? (HE FEELS YOU LADIES)