July 17th, 2010

[info]alovelyaffair in [info]admelioraooc

CI // Amata Soto

Final of my characters so far is Amata Soto, former FBI Agent and current member of the HR Resource team that specializes in intelligence and calling people she knows and taking advantage of connections and nepotism to make things go easier. It's fairly well known that she had been kidnapped on a routine mission for the FBI and was transferred to AM after she had recovered, although she will not discuss any further details with anyone.

She tries to act like she's just a flirty social butterfly type and not a threat at all, but it is highly questionable on how successful she is (especially anyone that happens to be around when she's at the firing range and practicing with her pistol or knows about her from her years at the FBI). Anyone who attempts to get further than flirty will get nowhere, and insulting her will just bring out the bitch face that is just barely below the surface.


1. Is blind in one eye (it is covered with a black contact), deaf in one ear, and scarred on her legs and hips.
2. She is unaware of it atm, but her ex husband was behind the kidnapping.
3. Very nosy and has read through every file she has access to, but half-asses the rest of her job and didn't bother to think critically about any of it
4. Has the worst taste in men, ever. Which is why she's given up dating entirely (for now)