December 5th, 2007

[info]auberginedreams in [info]addme_glbt


My legal name is Melissa, but I am in the process of transitioning into my genderqueer self, Isaac. I'm only fourteen (so Fee isn't the youngest anymore) but despite people telling me that I'm too young to know what I want, I know that I am genderqueer and that I am bisexual.

I live in Canada (Winnipeg to be exact) but I do not live in an igloo. I also don't have a pet beaver or polar bear :P I'm a sophomore in high school, but I hate it so far. I've had a girlfriend for about two weeks, she is also my ex, but we got back together. She is my everything, I LOVE HER with all my heart.

On the terms of my sexuality, I am bisexual but tend to lean towards being more attracted to the female gender. I find that males are generally harder to get attached to in the romantic sense. Ironically, my best friend is a male. Haha.

Uhm...I attended a gay camp, Camp Aurora, last year, which gave me the strength to come out to my mother. I'm not out to my dad as he is a homophobe but I am out to my friends as well and out as bisexual at school. I am currently trying to come out as genderqueer at school as well, so any support would be appreciated.

I guess that's it...I'm bilingual, too. Je peux parler le français, et j'était bilinguée pour dix ans. (I can speak french, and I've been bilingual for ten years.)

Always looking to make friends, so go ahead and add me!

[info]agent_alpo in [info]addme_glbt

how's that thought for you?

Hi, everybody! ["Hi, Dr. Nick!"]

I'm a pretty average, geeky, goofy, queer gal who spends way too much time on the Internet. I enjoy playing video games, reading, listening to music, watching TV and/or DVDs, messin' around on the Internet (duh), bowling, playing with my dog, spending time with my partner, spending time with my friends, spending time with my family, and just relaxing.

Basic stats: I'm a 27-year-old white female. I live in Illinois, but I work as a legal secretary for a workers' compensation law firm in St. Louis, Missouri. As I said, I'm taken. I'm not really a spiritual person, but if asked to label myself I say agnostic. Too much weird and unexplainable shit happens in this world for me to not believe there's some higher power resembling a god or goddess out there.

I think that covers most everything. Check out my interests in my profile if you want to see what else I'm into.

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