December 4th, 2007

[info]xo_tara_xo in [info]addme_glbt

Now I appreciate all the replies I got on my first entry but don't forget to leave a post about yourself as well so that other IJers can add you too.

[info]hazumuchan in [info]addme_glbt

Ooooh, pick me!

Name: Katie
Age: 32 going on 16
Location: Southwestern IL, near Saint Louis
Taken?: Quite! Going on 3 years now.

I identify as plain-old, garden variety queer. I've been out since about 2002. I like science fiction, animation (not specifically anime), horror movies, british comedy, electronic music, console gaming (mostly PS 1 & 2) and am a singer/songwriter of electronic music as well.

In 2001, I started transition from being male-bodied to being female-bodied although I don't talk much about it (I see it more as a medical issue than one of identity) although once in a blue moon I get to ranting about it. I identify as "queer" after finding the lesbian and bisexual labels too confining for my tastes... but that's just me.

Feel free to friend me! Just comment and let me know 'coz friending out of the blue seems kinda weird, eh?

[info]spacelogic in [info]addme_glbt

*posture, preen*

Hello, hello, everybody. I'm Morgayn. The "gay" in there is said "gay" -- it's not Morgan! I got here during Strikethrough and won't be going anywhere anytime soon, so I'm always on the lookout for new friends to keep things from getting dull.

I'm a nineteen-year-old, Californian, cisgendered female (both need to be said here, I think) who identifies interchangeably as "queer" and "gay" with a bias towards "gay." I never identify as a lesbian; I only use that word as an adjective (lesbian engineer, lesbian romance, lesbian issues) because it seems to me that descriptors being used as nouns makes dehumanization too easy, and the queer community can't afford that.

I'm a total geek. I'm big on Star Trek and Babylon 5 right now, dual-boot Mac OS X and Fedora Linux, analyze everything from the origins of words to where I prefer to sit on the bus, and am studying to become a computer engineer. I go on about things; in particular, I rarely shut up about queer issues for any length of time.

Politically, I'm quite left-wing and rather a socialist. My mum grew up in Berkeley, California in the '70s; if you know the area at all that'll tell you everything you need to know about the values I was raised with. I don't believe in compromising if anyone's rights are on the line.

I'm a member of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) unprogrammed branch. The short definition is "mystic Christian sect" though not all Unprogrammed Friends identify exclusively or at all as Christians. I identify as Universalist personally. Unprogrammed Friends overwhelmingly support equality of all types, so I don't have to compromise between my faith and my identity, so I'm happy.

Let's see, anything else? Er... me gustaría conocer a alguien que hable español. Lo estudio y necesito practicar porque ahora no lo hablo bien, pero no he encontrado a nadie que lo hable en IJ.

[info]faerie_lullaby in [info]addme_glbt

Well, hello there!

My name's Felysha, cause I think that's important for everyone to know. But if you don't want to bother with the whole spelling thing, just call me Fee.

I think I'm the youngest on here so far..I'm only 18...But that's okay, cause I'm pretty sure you all can act younger than you are!

I live in Canada. It's cold right now. I don't live in an igloo. I write slash, of both the male and female variety. It's interesting, I guess, I've only been writing for a couple of years. I have a lot of fandoms though, and I'd be happy to write something for any of you.

Oh yeah, I'm bi. Just thought I'd make that clear. But I'm in the midd;e of cooking hamburger, so I'll talk you later.

Friend me, if you like, and you'll probably find out more about me.


[info]ormspryde in [info]addme_glbt

Er, hi?

*looks round* Greetings. I am Mel. I'm more or less bisexual. (long story on that 'more or less' thing, but whatever) I'm a heathen who's currently trapped in the Dreaded Bible Belt (TM). Politics make my head hurt. Bla bla bla...

I'm 28 at the moment. Let's see...I'm an arty/crafty sort of person who tends to have issues keeping track of time. I'm also a self-diagnosed geek/nerd/whatever. :3

Hrm...I have an intense love of scifi-fiction, especially things that involve dragons.

Okay, I'm boring *myself* with this intro. *sigh* I suck. :S

(p.s., yes, my icon *is* an anthropomorphic snowflake with guns! *is shot*)

[info]rubyfruit_pixie in [info]addme_glbt

Hello, Fellow IJ-nauts! :D

Name: Jordi (Real name is Jordan)
Screennames: Rubyfruit, Kiwifruit
Age: 21, going on 6 or 60 depending on the mood
Taken: Yep! Sorry ladies and gents!

Let's see, ah...I can best be called bisexual, but I have a greater interest in women than I do men. My current college major is Undecided, since I changed it twice, and plan on going into a Psychology major. I love cats, but can't have any because Mum's allergic and Dad thinks that having a cat would make him look "fruity". Ha!

I am a fannish person, and I write fanfiction. I don't think that it's very good. But, I digress...

Ah! I'm out at school and work, but not at home due to the fact that I live in a very religious household. I can best be described as bisexual, but I like women more. I realized this when I was in the fourth grade. I also found out that I really liked feminine girls.

My journal is a weird mix of fandom ranting, life detail, and general randomness.

Have a nice day!

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