December 6th, 2007

[info]ex_barachiel382 in [info]addme_glbt


My name is Xuan. I’m a seventeen-year-old university hopeful living in Sydney, Australia until I can find somewhere more interesting to wing it to. I'm gay and male, and regretfully not the youngest here. Oh well. I'm often told that I'm mature for my age, but as my journal demonstrates, I do know how to let go and be a complete bitch. It's nice to meet you.

Generally, I’m a quiet, brutally honest person who cares little about what other people think of me. I don’t talk very much in reality, but my online life gives me a chance to rabbit on profusely. I’m a sarcastic, obsessive and slightly clumsy individual who likes to burst out randomly in song and make things needlessly complicated.

Not at all an outdoors-savvy person, I prefer to stay at home and excessively indulge in less extreme hobbies. I’m a passionate writer – the kind who sits at a window table at McDonalds, scrawling on a scrap piece of paper and looking at you as you pass by. Writing allows me to express thoughts and feelings as something more cohesive, whether it be a blog post or the occasional bit of (fan) fiction thrown in for shits and giggles. Besides writing, I’m also into Irish dance (another creative outlet, and one that allows me to maintain my dangerously low weight), music, reading, and history. Oh, and sleep. It’s pretty good too.

Academically speaking, I’m a high school graduate who, for the moment, likes to bum around an awful lot. Despite this, I hope to pursue something in journalism or digital media at university, with educational psychology being a final back-up should my plans backfire. I’m scholastically inclined, but I also procrastinate endlessly, and everything is done at the last minute. I like to learn about things ranging in the humanities; as such, I studied French for four years in high school, and can speak it almost fluently. I’m also proficient in Vietnamese (my native language), and am in the beginning stages of learning Irish Gaelic and Czech.

My journal is, pretty much, a personal one. It’s where I rant about personal crap, and things about writing and the Internet – and life, really – that nobody seems to understand. I may or may not merge my creative writing with my personal crap; am currently considering creating a writing journal. Specifically, I write gay fiction and slash fan fiction only, for those interested.

Thanks for listening, ladies and gents.

P.S. I’m always up for meeting new people. :)

[info]ex_buble816 in [info]addme_glbt

Another one? Oh jeez.

Hi there persons, my name is Chris.

I'm really horrible at introductions, but I'll give it a try anyway. As I said my name is Chris, I'm 28, and I currently reside in Texas with my partner and our horrible cats. We have 4 and mornings around here is like a herd of elephants rampaging. I don't have an occupation to speak of so I guess you could call me a Stay At Home dad, only for cats. It works for me because it means I can spend a lot of time doing the things I want and who isn't a fan of that?

On the GLBT front I am a member of the T community, being as I'm a very pre-op FTM. The money thing is a bitch, isn't it? Anyway it's a label I don't mind too much, but it really doesn't define me in any other ways. I'd rather be known for my personality and likes, which are pretty numerous. I love sci-fi and fantasy books/movies/tv shows/etc. (obviously I am a Doctor Who fanatic, but I'm proud of that). I enjoy reading and I do write on occasion, though not as often as I'd like to because I have the attention span of a gnat. I like shiny things. I like cats, but despite having 4 of them I like dogs far more. I'm really just this guy that sort of exists in the world and I'm fine with that.

Uh as for new friends I'm open to anyone and everyone, but I have a low tolerance for people who like to wallow in self-pity. I like funny people, witty people, people with something to say that aren't afraid to do so. Politically I'm pretty far left and something of a socialist, though not militant about it at all. Flag-waving Republicans, conservatives, and Pro-Bush supporters make me break out in hives. Religiously, I'm just not. I'm a pretty big agnostic, but I don't mind having people around that are into the whole religion thing. It's just not my bag, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, nice to meet you all!

[info]redbeargrl in [info]addme_glbt

Does this cape come in a bigger size?

Well, I guess I'll throw my hat into the ring here.

Hello all, my name is Jessie and before anyone asks, yes, I'm old enough to be your mother!  However I promise never to act like it.
I'm a recent refugee from LJ, somehow I really don't feel comfortable giving my money to a Russian company (child of the Cold War and all). Aside from that, well, let's see.

I'm a post op MTF (coming up on fifteen years), partnered for over twelve years now, but my girlfriend and I each have our own homes so we don't live together, yet.  I share my home with Phred The Demon Cat from Hell.  He's an asshole but he's meh boy.  ::sigh:: What can a girl do huh?  I live in Northern California not far from San Francisco and I've lived here all of my life with the exception of a few years, but that's another story.

My journal here is mostly for my writing.  I really don't blog much.  I take out all of my frustrations and fears by writing smutty ( and not so smutty) femmeslash about mosty the HP universe.  Writing about Hermione and Ginny is very cathartic and a great stress reducer.  I used to write a great deal about the Buffyverse and Xenaverse, but I seem to have settled into Rowling's universe now.  However, my take on the kids is a bit "different" than what she probably intended.  Maybe someday I'll find a new fandom to get excited about, but until then I'll stay where I am.

I spend way too much time on the interwebs.  I'm sure that it's probably eating my brain, but it makes me happy so ...Meh!  I love science and science fiction, good mystery stories and occasionally I'll go into a binge on a particular author.  Currently it's J.D. Robb.  Sorry about that.  I also love fast cars and have built several for either myself or friends, however I don't know how much longer I can keep doing that because it's so expensive now and i'm not getting any younger.  ::pouts::.  I'm a pretty simple easy-going person but I have less than zero tolerance for stupidity, homophobia, hatred of any kind or anything to do with Bush (and for your own sake don't get me started on religion).  I also have a coffee jones about the size of the western US.  Oh, and cookies....don't trust me with cookies.

Well that's about it.  I guess you could read "easy-going" as boring and you'd prolly be really close to the truth. 

And BTW, I love giving big warm Mama Bear type hugs!

[info]clare_dragonfly in [info]addme_glbt


Hi there! I'm Clare and I want more awesome IJ friends. I've been around on IJ since the boldthrough incidents this summer, and trying to wean myself off of LJ (just deleted my knitting LJ, in fact) but as few of my friends seem to want to move, it's a bit difficult. Okay, well, I'll try to introduce myself... I'm obsessed with things like Wales and the Welsh language, bunnies, Arthurian legend, knitting, long hair (particularly my own), writing, Shakespeare, folktales, and being "green." I'm vegan, pagan, bi, female, feminine, feminist, an English major, and... lots of other things. My fandoms are NCIS and Harry Potter, though I'm not very involved in either one at this point. Er, I guess you can check out my userinfo and/or my journal for more info? Yeah.

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