... ::.
Back February 5th, 2008 Forward
Na-na-la-la-la, hey-hey-doo-doot-doo.

...About how long was it since I made an entry?


NAME: Jordi, Rubyfruit, Ruby, Jordan, Hey You
AGE: 21

INTERESTS: Mostly fannish stuff. That's what makes up my journal. Writing, in general.

HOBBIES: Aside from writing fanfiction? Writing, period. I'm a mediocre artist. Yeah.

LOOKING FOR: People who are willing to tolerate me, I guess. The Jordi travels fandoms often, the current ones being Kingdom Hearts, Rozen Maiden, and Final Fantasy (VIII, X, X-2..yes, I liked X-2. And then VII.), and a myriad bunch of other ones. The fandom I'm currently writing a lot for is Kingdom Hearts. I like yaoi, yuri's awesome, and het's awesome, too. I'm a big, big fan of Kairi, but Sora/Kairi does nothing for me whatsoever. Uh...yeah. I'm looking for people who can tolerate me and my sometimes slow-to-update self.

ANYTHING ELSE: I do try to read, update, and comment often, but because I work second shift, and my job is on-call, you might get comments that next day since I don't get home till about 10:30 PM Eastern time. My fics are on [info]rubyfruit_taste, and I can be reached on AOL and MSN (but MSN has a tendency to implode on me, so those who try to contact me through that messaging program will see me randomly go offline. Tis Pidgin's fault. I apologize in advance. If you could be so kind, drop a comment on ye olde Intro Post

Current Mood: cold cold

I am a certified insane and an aspiring dentist. I love Tom and Jerry. I still like Disney Movies. I laugh and dance even when no one is watching. I love to read, write and do everything under the sun that I can possibly do. If you like watermelons, you will love me!

Add me :D

yo my names matthew. i'm 23. i'm chill and laid back on a lot of aspects and just like to have a good time. more friends?

Hello, everyone =)

NAME: Mugetsu, but friends call me Mug, Muggy, Gumshoe, Mugu, Mugglewuggles, and a million other things for short.

AGE: 21.

INTERESTS; I'm pretty much into my fandoms, and fandoms only. That is, I don't 'fandom hop' (have a new fandom-of-the-week every other week, or 'forget' fandoms in favor of other ones!). I don't watch anime much or pay attention to the music industry, but I'm slowly being converted to paying attention to bands and that by two or three friends; you know who you are! I am not a rabid fanboy, and I respect my friends' own likes when it comes to fandoms (story arcs, characters, pairings, soundtracks, etc).

My fandoms are: Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, Jim Henson's Labyrinth/The Dark Crystal/Return to Oz, Pan's Labyrinth/El Laberinto del Fauno, Pirates of Dark Water, Harry Potter, V for Vendetta (comic and film), Transformers (movie and cartoons), Nolanverse Batman (Begins, Dark Knight, etc), Batman (comics and TAS), Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Silent Hill (games and movie), Masters of the Universe, Invader Zim (NOT into slash), Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Final Fantasy (old-school FF, pre-FFXII), Kingdom Hearts, The Bouncer, Vagrant Story, Sweeney Todd, Star Wars, Cloverfield, Watership Down, The Animals of Farthing Wood, Don Bluth, etc.

HOBBIES; Do anything related to any of the above fandoms (role-play, discussing, etc); chatting with friends via IM all day, role-playing, making graphics on Photoshop, having horror film marathons with two RL friends, and playing video-games. I've role-played online for twelve years now, and pretty much stuck to private RPGs and one-on-ones because I always seem to attract the role-players who get upset when they realize 'I have other RP partners too'.

For those where applicable/on-a-need-to-know basis regarding role-play, both original and fandom; I only do plot, long term/permanent, character development and interaction, manipulation/mindfucks, and other jolly good fun mature/adult themes that help a character develop such as /torture/blackmail/
on/non-con/murders/kidnapping-and-hostages/god knows what else. You know. All the good stuff that's left ouf of RPGs nowadays so the only form of development might be a character getting sick or breaking up a relationship but only to jump into another one. =/

LOOKING FOR; Basically.. anyone who does not have one or more of the 'do not want' personal facts listed in my post right over here, because I'm sick and tired of adding people who change journals every day or week, disappear off the face of the earth, never talk to me on IM or even through IJ, etc.

ANYTHING ELSE; I can't really think of what to add here that I haven't talked or explained about already, though! I don't work well with people who might just say 'lol' or '^_^;;' once or twice every hour when in an IM convo, as well as rabid people who might like one or two of my fandoms, but then gets horribly upset (and never let go of) just because, say... I'm not into Sephiroth/Cloud or the newer Final Fantasy titles.

If you've got any questions or anything, please feel free to ask! =D

Current Mood: cheerful cheerful
Current Music: Stephen King's IT: Pennywise the dancing clown Theme

NAME: Mayra Jael
AGE: 17
INTERESTS; Tattoos, music, Germany, soccer (deutsche nationalmanschaft), Ludwig Van Beethoven.
HOBBIES; Drawing, listening to music, watching soccer, blogging, fandoms.
LOOKING FOR; Friends from any fandom.
ANYTHING ELSE; Add anything else you think would be cool here!
Click the cut to see a picture of me! )

location: home
Current Mood: amused amused
Current Music: blood - emigrate

I'm Kate. I'm pretty chill. And I get along with almost everyone. Add me. (But comment so I can return the favor!)


Hey, I'm Laura.. a lot of my info is on my page.. I am open to anyone and I love making new friends, so comment or anything!

AGE: Sixteen
INTERESTS; Wrestling, serial killers, Degrassi, check my user-info for more =]
HOBBIES; I honestly don't do much, I spend alot of time online, reading, but that's pretty much it.
LOOKING FOR; Friends who update often, but don't make super long entries, ones who are nice and who will comment me as well.
ANYTHING ELSE; Comment here or on my friends only entry if you're adding me.
Click the cut to see a picture of me! )

Samantha/19/new york.
I'm your average young adult. I'm currently a full time student studying criminal justice at a community college. I work part time at a grocery store, and shop for people who are too lazy to go to the store themselves. I've got a great boyfriend of 2 years, and the same 2 best friends since grade school. I'm a big Something Corporate fan, and I love spider-man. I watch American Idol every Tuesday and Wednesday night, and I see a new movie nearly every week. I like people who update, and I'll comment when I've got something to say.

Back February 5th, 2008 Forward