Add Me! - New or Old, We Want Friends!
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Previous February 6th, 2008 Next

Rekhyt - 18 - female

INTERESTS; reading, writing, music, et cetera, ad nauseum. there's a huge list on my profile.
LOOKING FOR; Hopefully people who enjoy reading/writing (fiction/fandom) but you don't have to be. interested in any of my interests? drop me a line.

anyone doing p365? you should add me! :-)

I'm Gina
I LOVE: my boyfriend, family, friends, turtles, music, reading, piercings, tattoos, sleeping, eating, relaxing, showers, math, movies, nail polish, eyeliner, dresses, heels, pictures, gum, flowers, jokes, texting, fast food, my vanilla smell, video games, guitar hero I, II, III, & Rock band, karaoke, and LOVEEEE.
I HATE: ignorances, school, work, getting sick, going to doctor's, liars, fakes, and i can't think of anything else.

There isn't much to me. Just looking for some friends. takers?

suzy bishop [userpic]

Hi, I'm Lauren, and I didn't really use my ooc gj much, so I'm really looking to make new friends. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan but I'm down for reading anything. I really like music, my favorite artists being Eisley, Manchester Orchestra, Paramore, Regina Spektor, Fiona Apple, Say Anything, etc. Gilmore Girls will forever be my favorite television show, but I like the US version of the Office, Veronica Mars, Pushing Daisies, Heroes, and Project Runway. I like trashy celebrity gossip, I visit PerezHilton too much for my own good. I don't update all that often but I love commenting and reading posts, you should add me :-)

NAME: Katherine
AGE: 18
INTERESTS; Music, movies, hermit crabs, family, friends, sleeping, computer, internet, icon making, bowling for soup.
HOBBIES; listening to music, making icons
LOOKING FOR; I just want someone nice that'll post every so often, and comment my entries since i sort of love getting comments and i'll try and post on they're entries as well. Don't be an idiot is all I ask.
ANYTHING ELSE; I don't post everyday, I can't really promise I'll post every week because I don't do a whole lot of interesting things that's worth reading about, or people would care to know, so I don't expect you to post everyday either but I like something to read every now and then when I sign on.

ミスティー [userpic]

I am nineteen years old. I was born in Canada and lived there all of my life, except a year ago. Being on the border of Texas and Arkansas is quite a change.

I love video games. (The) Bouncer, Castlevania, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Disgaea I/II, Fable, (older) Final Fantasy, Grandia 2/3, Grand Theft Auto (III/VC), God of War, Guilty Gear, Mario, Metroid, Ninety-Nine Nights, Parasite Eve I/II, Phoenix Wright, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Star Ocean 2, Tales of Destiny/Eternia, Valkyrie Profile, Zelda.

As for anime.. not too many. I prefer older stuff. Claymore, Dragonball (GT/Z), Escaflowne, Gundam Wing, Magic Knight Rayearth, Rozen Maiden.

As for tv? Not much. Animal Channel, Discovery Channel, Dirty Jobs, How It's Made, Jackass, Mythbusters, MXC, Saw (I/II), Spike TV, and basically anything remotely educational.

My music taste? As bizarre as they come! I love German rock, along with 90s pop and some techno. I'm not much for today's American mainstream music, it makes me kinda ill. A list.. well.. *N Sync, Assemblage 23, Backstreet Boys, Eisbrecher, (older) Enrique Iglesias, Megaherz, Oomph!, Rammstein, Savage Garden, Spice Girls, Zeromancer, and basically any other embarrassing artist from the 90s and video game soundtracks.

I also webdesign and love to read and write.

I'm a LaVeyan Satanist and bisexual, I love when people are openminded and I treat them the same. I tend to be a very political person, but it usually doesn't seep into my friendships (or journal). I'm here to make decent friends, not just people who wanna raise their friends' count. I update regularly and comment regularly.. I'd like the same from my friends. (But, it's understandable if you don't comment or update everyday, I mean, we do all have lives.)

Previous February 6th, 2008 Next